MovieChat Forums > World War Z (2013) Discussion > Glasgow as Philadelphia

Glasgow as Philadelphia

So, they film Glasgow Scotland and call it Philadelphia.

As I watched the opening, I could not place any of the streets as any that I know in Philadelphia - even thought I have not lived there for 30 years.

Then while watching the special features I see they substituted in Glasgow.

Looking for the "why" I find that it was because Philadelphia would not kick in enough Tax breaks to appease the filmmakers (more corporate welfare).

I would have preferred that the movie just be set in Scotland rather than fake Philadelphia (or any other US city).


The centre of Glasgow is built on a gird system,it looks like many American cities,so maybe filming there made sense?

I sometimes get upset when they use locations that look nothing like the place they are "playing" but I guess that is the film business.

Films made in Australia annoy me because Australia does not often look like America or Britain for that matter.

But Toronto can play NEW YORK pretty well and Budapest is often a past Paris.


Both are ghettos.

Spoiler alert for them spoil sports out there! Y'all like spoiled milk, stop crying over it!


Tell us what toilet you were born/raised in.


I really hate it also when they film in Toronto and then pretend is NYC. I am from NY and I can tell immediately if a movie is legit.
