great movie

I was entertained. What more does anyone expect from a zombie movie?


For what it was I liked it alot, too.


Agreed. It's exciting and thoroughly entertaining.


or a brad pit movie


I am not a fan of Zombie movies...but this is one I can watch every week or so...just had it on last night...those "clicking teeth"...yuk...but a A one zombie.


What more did I expect? I dunno......reasonable actions from people. A real plot, not the same story that's been done a million times. Not every single zombie cliche' jammed into one movie.
How about this, instead of just one guy, Brad Pitt, being the 'super-soldier', you tell the story from the view of several characters documenting what was happening? You know, more like the book that had it's title stolen from for this unrecognizable pile of tripe.


I didn't read the book. So that might have helped me enjoy it seeing that I had nothing to compare it to.


I read the book about a year after seeing the movie. I didn't want to read it after seeing that awful movie, but my niece convinced me it was NOTHING like the movie.....and boy, was she right. I really enjoyed that book.
I was cringing through that whole movie though. The characters were stock....props. The story unimaginative. The SPFX phony and tired. It would have been a bad movie if they called it something else like 'Zombie Apocalypse'. I think I hate it even more now that I know what it should have been (the one downside to having finally read the book)


I rewatched this film today removing almost every family scene, guilty pleasure was 'enlisted man tells wife and daughters to politely go f themselves for behaviour on chow line' and some family moments are unavoidable to review the better scenes in the film. Rewatched in just over an hour, this film had many great moments that were lost to me in theatre viewing. Just my take.



given the rumoured production problems it had, the finished product was more entertaining than i thought it would be


I thought it was decent, but the kicker was that this could have been "next-level great". I can't put my finger quite on what separates it from greatness.

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