you build a wall but....
dont have any defense around the mall and allow a bunch of idiots RIGHT at the wall making all kinds of noise (btw who decides to have a big block party in the middle of a zombie apocalypse?)
dont have any defense around the mall and allow a bunch of idiots RIGHT at the wall making all kinds of noise (btw who decides to have a big block party in the middle of a zombie apocalypse?)
I think Donald Trump would like World War Z.
In reality, that wall would have kept all of the zombies out of Israel. It was ridiculous that they were able to dog-pile the wall and climb over it.
At the time they did not know that noise attracted the zombies...Gerry learned about that on his first stop in for the dog-pile of zombies..I thought it was pretty creative of the zombies...of course it a herd of zombie ants..
shareWe're gonna build a wall, a great wall, and the zekes are gonna pay for it.
shareThat's not half of the problem.
The biggest problem is that you would have cordons in place, like little sections where if you did get a breakthrough you could close of that area and fall back. Not just one wall and hope that's enough.
I'd like to see Donald Trump walk up to a zombie, tell it that he's going to build a wall that the zombies are going to pay for, and watch what happens next
Well actually the analogy in this case was, they'd built a wall and everyone in it were safe. However, then some leftard decided to let others in who proceeded by their actions (ie, singing in loud voices) ultimately caused the death of the very people who offered them protection.
The irony of this scene and the scene where the neurologist shoots himself are hilarious. We can all get along so lets sing and attract the zombies and our voices will be our downfall. And if anyone ha read the Zombie Survival Guide you'll know zombies decayed as much as the cgi female zombie who you first see drawn to the noise would not be able to run because zombies only have their human motor functions and speed up until the point of rigor mortis. They definitely should've had better security such as fall back points and better contingency plans, but they should not have allowed some stupid lady to attract the zombies. One person pretty much led to the fall of Israel.
shareThey should have observed that noise would attract them. Or assumed that noise or sight would. I mean scent and radar are going to be less likely.
But somehow singing tips them off but not the buses, helicopters or flights?
They were probably finished anyway since there was an infected on Gerry's flight - assuming that was not there due to the wall breach.