Everything About This Movie Blew (spoilers)
If anything, this movie is an example of what not to do in the zombie apocalypse. The doctor was extremely annoying. The singing lady frustrated me beyond belief. I kno you're happy you're getting along, but Shelly...come on!!! Also Tommy's parents arguing. I don't wanna hear the defense of "Well they didn't know at the time that noise drew their attention" What did people expect? Deaf zombies? The zombies would just ignore noise? And was there no way Brad Pitt could have shut off his satellite phone ir taken the battery out so it wouldn't go off when they were trying to refuel the plane. One of the worst parts was when towards the end when they were saying "He's walking right passed them!" I know it was a big scientific breakthrough in the movie, but it was just cringeworthy. Unrated was better than theatrical, but not by much. Brad Pitt writhing in pain, asking "What does that mean?!" when his friend picked up the phone and not his wife was by far some of the worst acting I've ever seen. It was just as bad as "Why did you say that name?!!!" in Batman vs Superman. I could go on and on with the things that are wrong with this movie, but this post is already long enough as it is and I'm just too tired to list em all.