Why are Headwounds the Traditional Weakness of Zombies?
If Zombies are dead/undead, and their bodies are animated yet no longer alive, then ALL of their organs should begin decaying and rotting away. Infact, the human brain is one of the EARLIEST organs to begin failing upon death, when the non-functioning heart and lungs fail to deliver sufficient oxygen to it.
So how do Zombie brains avoid this same decay?
Perhaps the Zombification process, whether caused by drugs, radiation, or virus, kills off all the other organs first, but leaves the brain alive, even as it drives a person insane?
And since the brain keeps the muscles in the limbs and the core moving, as well as directing the circulatory, respiratory, and digestives/metabolic systems to provide nutrients which the muscles need in order to contract and release, then how does a Zombie work at all? If the heart, lungs, stomach, and liver are all dead, then the muscles have no more power to contract and relax. The brain can tell them to work, but they have no nutrient flow or fuel to power them.