MovieChat Forums > World War Z (2013) Discussion > Those pesky muslims...

Those pesky muslims...

So basically, what this movie is saying is:

How nice of the Jews to open their doors to the Muslims, save their lives and protect them with a giant wall.

Too bad the Muslims had to ruin everything, as Muslims do.

I think all religious people are idiots, but this was some cheap shot jewish propaganda. Still kind of funny though.


That's REALLY what you took from that scene?


That's REALLY what you took from that scene?
Don't feed the troll.



Just watched this for the first time...guess I had heard it was so so...but it was a little better than I expected, however I too thought that the scene was obviously pro Israel, which is fine..but it did seem that the Muslims were the ones singing together very loudly, they were told to be quiet by the heroic IDF soldier, but it was too, late the zombies were coming over the wall...I am pretty sure that is how the scene portrayed. Now why there wasn't a helicopter right there to crush the mob before they were able to get over is beyond me


They should have had sentries over the wall just to make sure everything is OK. I guess they didn't expect that muslims would fkcu everything up.



Seemed pretty clear to me that it was a Muslim and a Jew singing together in some sort of kumbaya moment.


They had guns. I was thinking to myself a warning shot or shooting the singing people would be a good idea. A helicopter patrolling the wall would have been a source of noise itself and one wouldn't have been enough but it would have made a more tense scene to see even the wall defences overwhelmed.

I think that by the time they became alarmed at the noise it was too late, the dead were coming to investigate. I don't think even a dome would have saved them as they'd have smashed that too. Automatic flame throwing turrets or something to keep them thinning out might have worked till they ran out of fuel.


haha you are right and also... I thought they all deserved to get bitten when they where so idiotic to make so much noise!



Those were Jews and Muslims singing together. That was the whole point of that scene.


Those were Jews and Muslims singing together. That was the whole point of that scene.

Really? The whole point? Who were the infected climbing the wall?


I guess if one looks hard enough you will see Zionist messages anywhere. However the Israeli's/Jews themselves look bad/idiotic shortly after when you realise they don't seem to have much in the way of wall surveillance;
a proper sentry could have probably stopped that cgi zombie build up.


This movie has a lot of criminally stupid plot points. The fact that there was zero 'exterior surveillance' of the wall was one of the worst of them.


Pretty sure this was hollywood movie, and as such, it's all propaganda. Yet you seem fine with north koreans being portrayed as complete teeth pooling maniacs, with russians being to dumb to land a plane, with british being stuck up, and you complain only about jews being portrayed as nice, and muslims as useless?

Well, it's good that you don't seem to have any agendas.

Anyone who has ever read any spoilers,
knows that Winter Is Coming


I never said I'm fine with any of the things you mentioned, and I never said I'm complaining about this. I even said it's still funny.

You're the only one complaining here buddy! Relax it's all a bit of fun..


Oh, so you meant ha-ha funny, rather than "funny - I'm being cynical"? Well, wonder how I missed that, cause yeah, singing muslims. That's not funny, that's hilarious. But fine, if that's your bail out route, take it, by all means. You are only lying to your self.

And you didn't say either that you're fine or bothered with things I mentioned. You didn't even notice the the things I mentioned, before I mentioned them, so you didn't get to complain, sorry, not complain, find them "funny".

All I can say is that person who has such weird a$$ "sense of humor" such as your self, really shouldn't be "complaining" about anyone else.

Anyone who has ever read any spoilers,
knows that Winter Is Coming


You seem angry. I suspect a lack of sex in your life. I prescribe "go outside".

Thank me later.


yeah, too be expected really though when Hollywood is run by Jews.


While the majority of the soldiers in the wall scene are from the IDF, you can see some Palestinian soldiers present, and there's an even mix of Israeli and Palestinian flags. And if you look at the crowds of refugees, you can't really tell the difference (aside from a few rare examples of people wearing traditional Jewish garb) between the Jews and the Muslims.

Besides, if it's Jewish propaganda then how is it Jerusalem falls to the outbreak in roughly 15 minutes? And it's not the Muslims' fault the zombies get into the city, the IDF should've had soldiers or sentries on top of the wall instead of helicopters making an occasional pass around the outside.

Also I know you're talking about the movie but in the book version of WWZ Israel undergoes an Israeli Civil War because the government allowed in so many Muslims and Palestinians, forcing the IDF to fight the Orthodox Jews. From what I recall Israel ended up calling itself "Unified Palestine" or something, and the entire section of the book relating to Israel is told by a Palestinian who had previously lived in Kuwait.

Can't be too careful with all those weirdos running around.
