Less than the sum of it's parts...spoilers
This film looked great, had an interesting premise, BUT it was just bleh for me. I wanted to like it SO bad! The one thing that really got me was how flat it was. The interviews contained no emotion, and I know in a situation like this you want the actor to play it low key, but there would be bursts of emotion throughout. Either crying or even laughter. Nothing. It was supposed to be so realistic, but it came off as flat as opposed to realistic. And if you really want to go realistic then avoid moments like finding the creepy neighbor in the room. Really? The neighbor just happened to be in the room when you were taping, and no one noticed, or heard him? Or the episode with the camera phone at Lake Mungo. Really? It was such a big deal that she was feeling down, that her friends noticed but were afraid to tell her parents?
This was all such a stretch. I liked the ending, but the rest just seemed so BORING to me, that it hardly held my attention. I wish this could have been more. I really do. I like films like this for the most part.
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