Really enjoyed it but the Australian habit of...
having an upwards inflection in their voice at the end of each sentence gets fkin irritating.
"so we went down to the water"
"and there was this ghost"
It was only a minor irritation but I noticed it more here than other Aussie films, I watched "The Reef" recently and didnt notice it being so prevalent in that.
Creepy movie though, I knew about the camera footage beforehand (just that it was creepy, not actually what was on it) so that lessened the impact a bit as I guessed what she was going to see (wish I hadnt known about it, would have been icing on the cake)
Couldnt sleep last night after watching it (unrelated, possibly) and started thinking about the movie which wasnt a particularly good idea. Kept staring off into corners in the dark. My kind of horror movie, ghost story or whatever you want to call it