Went in with an open mind...SPOILERS!
Still disappointed! I come to IMDB for all my movie recommendations and have never been let down. So when I saw the rave reviews for this I couldn't wait to watch it. Such a let down!! I watched the entire thing, and there is only 1 creepy scene with the cell footage. All the rest of them are scams in the movie by the brother. Yeah I know at the end they go back and quickly show she really was in all the scenes, but it was too late by then. I mean it was the credits. Me and my husband kept waiting and waiting and waiting for something, ANYTHING creepy or scary to happen. The only thing that was scary was how much the parents knew nothing about their daughter, and even though they knew she was distressed didn't even talk to her. Don't come on here saying oh well you are not smart enough to understand it or don't get how scary it was because you are not 'artsy' enough. There was nothing artistic about this film, and nothing scary at all. I love a good pop out at you horror film, but find the psychological slow creep up on you ones better...like Session 9. I was so looking forward to a sleepless night from a good scary film. This movie has nothing going for it except the last scene and they could build an entire movie around that, but they failed. I knew when After Dark came up before it that I had never liked one of their films, but I thought I could trust IMDB.
IMDB let me down with this one!
PLEASE recommend something next time that is actually creepy and scary. Not boring till the last 15 minutes with one good scene.