First off, dont give me crap about only liking gory and bloody movies. I like all kinds of movies including slow paced movies. That being said, this movie was utterly boring. Not even the photographs were creepy. This whole movie revolves around freaking photographs! Dumb! The acting was dumb but I can live with that. At least it wasnt as bad as paranormal activity where the whole movie people are babbling about stuff you dont care about and are basically waiting to jump out of your seat...which doesnt happen. I wouldnt recommend this movie...if you are going to see it, download it. Dont waste money on a rental or worse...buying the movie. I might recommend this movie to people who cant sleep though...

SARAH PALIN. Hero of the stupid.


I foudn that if the pictures were at least of better quality, they might have had more impact. As it was I had to pause the movie and stare at it until I kind of sort of saw what they were saying was in the picture.


Another clueless kiddie.


It's definitely a slow burn, but I wouldn't call it boring at all, and honestly thought it was very well-acted. When it ended, I had almost forgotten I wasn't watching a real documentary.

Total slow burn, though, and it doesn't exactly "pop" anywhere. It's just a story.


it was painful pushing myself through this thing, and I love the horror mockumentary/found footage genres. But sitting through this dragged out so long that it felt like i could walk to Australia and back and it would still be playing...there were real "Unsolved Mysteries" episodes scarier than this
