Okay, I'm a horror fan and it takes ALOT to scare me.
This movie frightened me to the point where I had to turn the lights on!
See it!!!!!!




load of crap!! It's in no way scary. It's boring.


"I don't think so. I didn't think it was scary. Actually, I thought it was boring."


I'm a horror movie fan also watched horror movies for 23 years till now, I've seen a lot of horror movies, ghosts are one my favourite subject, and I liked mockumentary/found footage horror movies also... I liked Blair witch, Rec 1&2, Fourth kind... but I was dissapointed with Paranormal activity, as well as with this move (spoilers ahead):

1. It is not scary! At all.

2. The architecture of the movie is poor, the constant bombarding with interviews is a big turn off for me, very slow movie, even if I like slow movies usually, this one was so slow that it was kinda boring.

3. Unnecessary twist, her brother's tricks. I mean what was the point into putting such thing in this movie? Did they hope to achieve realism??
I was bothered that people stilly payed attention to him, after what he admitted.

4. The video cameras featured in the movie sucked, I mean they coul've find better cameras, not to mention the video phone quality, which was painful to watch.
And all those zooms in the footage and photos made it seem quite unreal to notice figures I mean, c'mon look at the picture the figure at the lake for example... the figure it's totally unoticeable at such a distance, or the neighbor in her room photo when her mother realized what, even who it was...
I mean give me a break.

Final words:

This movie is slow, little boring and confusing, things are not quite clear, it deosen't even leave you with a feeling of mystery like Blair witch has, cause and things just seem throw in one after another they do not connect the way the should've to make it right IMO.

You don't have to agree to everything I'm saying here, people have different tastes, but atleast do not fall for the hype that this movie is sooo scary, cause it really isn't.
Maybe if you're a child, teenager or a girl, you may find it scary.

So if you agree with the not scary part, and you wish to see something scary, of the like, about ghosts go watch the "Unsolved Mysteries: Ghosts", real scary reconstructions, reenacments of the stories + interviews, also "A Haunting" is an excelent series... I loved that.


I agree with the OP... I also watch a lot of horror movies, and so nothing is really scary to me, but the fact that this movie was so realistic scared the freakin' crap out of me. So this is your totally subjective opinion, which is cool, but i don't think you should tell people to not "fall for the hype" since, like you said, we all have different tastes. And people like me, who rarely get scared by anything, really appreciate movies that are actually frightening... So you never know what someone's gonna think of it.


Well I tend to disagree. It is very very scary....actually one of the creepiest movies I've seen. And I've been watching Horror movies for quite a long time now as well.

Obviously it takes different things to scare people. But for me, this is a reference title when it comes to creepy atmosphere and scary sh-t.


is this movie scarier than Ju-On/Grudge? or The Ring? those movies kinda scared me!
