Tried to be too many ghosts stories in one
So a kid making a movie to pretend his dead sister is a ghost...that sounds like a decent premise for a movie.
Or a girl who engages in threesomes and sex with the neighbors, but then acts like an innocent angel around her parents...that's a cool premise too.
Or a girl who sees her own death coming via a cell phone...another cool idea.
Or a girl who visits a psychic, and then a year later after she dies, her parents unknowingly seek out the same psychic...all of these are workable ideas.
However, you can't have all 4 in one movie. It became too bizarre and too many plot twists coming every ten minutes.
It's like the movie reached a natural conclusion...but wait...we found a secret vhs tape. Okay, let's see it...but wait! We found a buried cell phone...