Why this film is so great and why the ratings are so low.
"Lake Mungo" is without a doubt one of the best horrow films out there.
I saw it twice and for the second time it's splendor is even more obvious to me.
What also is obvious to me - the reason behind the low ratings.
The truth is that this film is too good to be a big success! It's literally too good for the popular masses.
Joel Anderson's direction is so nuanced and subtle. So under the surface.
And also..... It's so deeply sad. Its about how tragic someone's life and death can be. The saddest part is that the sadness doesn't end with death.
And this no solution, no catharsis even, and this is what is too unbearable for most of people.Because most people want to escape the sadness not to dive into it that deep.
The saddest part for ME is that Joel Anderson hasn't made another film since "Lake Mungo". He is so talented.
P.s. English is not my first language so have mercy on me))