Jack Brooks is one of those movies I had the pure luck of watching. When the main action started it was good but not as good as the ending. He kicks out Eve (cute girl, but what a bitch) and goes in to save the cute and nice one. Now that's the way a horror movie should end. The hero coming in to save a cute girl from a monster or some form of evil and wins her in the end. Maybe not all the time, but does anyone agree about the awesome ending?
It took 60+ minutes of boring, mind numbing "story" get to the 10 minutes of monster slaying.
thank you, thank you, thank you...for hitting the nail on the head! nearly 60 minutes in (I know cause I checked the DVD timer), I said to myself "when is Jack the Monster Slayer actually gonna SLAY a monster?"...I'm all for story set up, but the weird tribal beginning (which we don't see again til the end), lots of retold spooky stories & TOO much Jack character set up brought this down a few notches for me!
"He saves the ugly girl with the big teeth. His girlfriend (I guess you if you wanted to call her that) was way hotter. "
wow, i can already tell you're the trashy dickhead with few morals. You'd rather go with the hot high maintenance bitch than actually go out with someone who's decent at heart and who has a great personality. For the record, she definitely wasn't ugly.
"It took 60+ minutes of boring, mind numbing "story" get to the 10 minutes of monster slaying. "
YOU'RE the problem with movies nowadays, not the movies themselves. If all you want is mayhem and violence go watch your Saw movies, and beat off to them you ungrateful whelp. I"m sorry we all can't "entertain" you with 90 minutes of pure repetitive violence and gore, f@#! you make me sick!
"mind numbing story".....Even I thought the story was worth some praise, I give the movie 7/10, but no retards like you are only into special effects, right? You'd rather watch Transformers than a classic like 12 Angry Men or Schindler's List? You are pure trash when it comes to audience critics. Go make a better movie if you didn't like it that much
Hey I do apologize for giving the ending out, but I couldn't help it. Even I have a love for the movie. Technically there were no CGI visuals or any expensive computer animation. I think it's pretty impressive what they came up with for the movie. The story was a decent build-up to the ending. By the way I've seen 12 Angry Men and I own Schindler's List. Both are amazing movies. I praise classics myself. There is a sequel being made for Jack Brooks. Should be coming out next year or the year after. Can't wait for it.
The girl he saved was not ugly at all! Period. Heck whenever she talked to Jack, she was calm and nice and she was even looking at him when she walked past him. Good foreshadows if you ask me.
Story build-up was good. Every movie should have some story build-up, not like jump-in-your-face-action every 5 minutes. It wears the audience down.
Hey, every hero has to start out somewhere so don't expect all of the greatness to be in just one movie. There is a sequel being made so you know there will definitely be more.
All I know is that this is definitely one of the better recent low-budget horror movies made and that it is worth it.
I came here to say the same thing: it took too long to get to the monster slaying. Just too much of the freddy kruger guy stuff. Jack (especially with the shrink) was great. they had so much to work with, the girls, the shrink, jack getting into ridiculous fights, all this stuff, and I was stuck watching my watch for when the movie was gonna get started.
Great Idea, well acted, but it missed a bit. I really wanted to like this movie too.