MovieChat Forums > Return to Halloweentown (2006) Discussion > Halloween Town V: The Dark Thorns (idea)

Halloween Town V: The Dark Thorns (idea)

I totally think that there should be a fifth movie, I actually really liked the fourth. I happen to be a big Dylan fan, and I thought the ending was perfect that he was the one to get the Gift... quite possibly the most responsible person to get it. But I have an idea for the Fifth one.

Halloween Town V: The Dark Thorns

We have a scene from Halloweentown II: Kalabar's Revenge of the end of the dance with the dark vines/thorns wrapping around Kal (if S.Paxton would play Marnie that this would have to be reshot), and the whole her grabbing the books... and he escaping in a whirlwind of magic. That scene ends and we cut to one of him looking into a looking glass at Marnie, his fingertips gently touching the surface of the mirror and it rippling outwards.
"just one touch of a liquid surface, Marnie... and it ripples outwards, disturbing all..."
The mirror changes to Gwen who is wearing her retailer outfit, but instead she is looking through an old chest full oh photos and pictures, getting teary-eyed at the same time.
"Gwen... you could have had my father... the most powerful Warlock, but instead you chose... him. What everybody thinks is a mortal... but you always liked to keep your little secrets. The truths that no ones knows, that can destroy everything."
The mirror switches to Dylan, who... as usual is reading a good amount of books, them swirling around him. They stop for a moment, hovering in the air, as someone is walking through them, Ethan. The mirror is silent, and all there is is just a greeting of silence, as Ethan sits down and plucks one of the books out of the air and putting his feet on the table... but to a disgruntle Dylan, laughs and starts to read.
"Dylan... through history... for thousands of years there have only been Cromwell witches... it is what the family has become famous for having only witches, never warlocks. You, Dylan... don't even know your own power... But the ripples will effect you just as badly."
With a laugh the mirror changes to Sophie, the Sophie that just finished her witches training, the Sophie that is fresh out into the world, with power at her fingertips. She is writing in a spellbooks that looks much like Aggies, only newer. She looks up, as if looking straight into the mirror, her eyes flash red for a moment and she closes the book.
"what do you want Kal?"
Kal just smiles, suddenly the vines around him begin to form, and one reaches through the mirror, towards Sophie, she knocks it away, only for there to be more, until finally one wraps around her.
"To start the ripples Sophia... One touch on the surface, and eventually all is disturbed. Give my love to Marnie..."
All we see is Sophie's hand dissappearring into the vines wrapping around her, and Kal laughing.

-Cut to the title screen.
Halloween Town V:
The Dark Thorns-


This movie would tie up loose threads with Kal, but also would explore what Mr. Piper actually was, not mortal. I always thought that if he was just mortal than there would be no problem discussing him, and I think Gwen has the same problem as Marnie... falling for the bad guy (save for Ethan). This movie would also put Cromwell against Cromwell, as Kal would infect Sophie. I think the movie would be a little bit darker, but you have to admit that the fourth movie did get a bit more adult I thought. Disney should contact me... because I could make some awesome movies for them... ones that people would want to watch...

of course I'd probably fangirl and have to be restrained from making Dylan and Ethan a couple... yeah I know... I can't help it though. I am just a fangirl, it is my nature.


Wow. Someone surely has a lot of time on their hands! LOL But good time, that is. That is so awesome! They should contact you! Keep up the good work!!

Did you just accuse me of being skillful and delicious?





Why should she destroy him? I'd get just as much pleasure as seeing a potentially very powerful witch join his side. You know we haven't seen that yet, it is an idea that hasn't been overdone. I think it'd be refreshing to have a Cromwell/Piper go to the darkside.

Marnie can't because she's the main attraction of the show, the vanquisher of the bad, protector of the good. Aggie can't because she is to cunning. Gwen can't because she cares to much about her kids. That leaves Dylan and Sophie. Dylan is a possibility because he strives for knowledge, and that knowledge he wants could be a downfall. But I really see Sophie as being the one to really betray her own family, or not have a strong enough will to. She has an innate sense of her magic, so she'd be a worthy advisary. Plus it'd be wonderful to way to get a plot centerred more towards her.

Besides, I'm not going to change my idea... it is only an idea. And that is only it, if Disney wanders onto this board and says hOMG! Plot idea! Then I'll be honoured. But really, if you do want to put your own input it, I'd be very much obliged if I could read it. I don't think chnge and pleasse are words in the dictionary... nor is it appropriate to put most of your sentence in capitals (don't take it personally, I just really dislike not seeing someone write coherant messages).


This is actually a REALLY good idea. yeah it's a bit dark but i've always thought that the halloweentown movies where kinda dark for disney movie especialy the last two. and (this is just an idea you don't have to take it) what if you made it so that it turned out that kal was behind every bad thing that the cromwells where put up against in the past two movies. so that would make him pretty much like the big-bad(sorry to use a "buffy" referance. lol) like he was the main bad-guy through the entire searies(sp?) cause i always thought that kalabar was an awesome bad-guy and should have made appearences in the other movies.

When do we see Jamie Lee's breasts? I wanna see Jamie Lee's breasts.-Stu, Scream


there is a fitch one

Lexxi*s new baby is the puppy named MAX!!!


O.O A Fitch one?

I don't know what fitch one means unfortunately. Did you try and fail to spell fifth?

I won't believe there is a fifth one until Disney says so itself. I mean, I'd really love to see another one, because I happen to be a movie lover. Only several movies have really dissapointed me (one being Corpse Bride, because the ending was bad... and I had an entirely different thought about it. I won't get into it here, just know that it was better than how it actually ended in the movie). So even though some people really disliked Halloweentown IV, I thought it was great for what it was. I am not unhappy about the thought of a Fifth one, infact I think it'd be great... and besides the one idea that I had, I'd leave to see one in which Dylan is the main character...

I think that if Dylan was to be a main character they could/shouldn't call it Halloween Town, if only because those movies had to deal with Marnie being the main character. If I wasn't so busy with trying to get myself motivated enough to write my other fictions I'd write a Dylan adventure.


BTW... I do love the idea of Kalabar being the Big Bad. I also think I love you for the fact of the use of Buffy references.

grrrr.... argh....


How should the Corpse Bride have ended? Because I was kind of disapointed with that ending as well.

"your eyes say things i never hear from you "


Ah Corpse Bride... Corpse Bride Corpse Bride... what a dissapointing ending that was to me (though unfortunately it will become a Hot Topic psycho product because it was made by Tim Burton).

How it should have ended?

Well I liked it up until the church scene and jeez... I can not remember names so bear with me. Victor... Victoria... and Emily, yes? Okay, well for starts, if they wanted to do the ending that they wanted to they should have explained in the film of the old folktale that women who were murdered get either reborn as butterflies, or turn into butterflies. See... that's why the ending didn't make any sense, unless someone knew the folktale they were left grasping at straws.

Now in my opinion Victor and Emily (the corpse bride) were much better suited for each other, they had a sense of excitement in them (even though Victor was more jittery), and love was obviously starting to bloom between them. As the movie drew to a close, with the church scene and the drink of poison so they'd be married and together and Victoria showing up. I think it was right that Emily drew attention to the fact that she was there, but instead of giving up her own dreams of being happy and finding true love, Victoria should have been able to see that Victor was willing to die for the corpse bride and stepped to the side with her and said something along the lines that love like that should exist beyond death, and that it gives her the strength to make her own way. Victoria would kiss her on the cheek, despite her rotting apperance, and stepped away. Emily would have taken Victor's hand, smiling as he looked at Victoria and she nodded, almost as if letting him go, or letting him do what he wanted for once instead of being pushed around. The ceremony would continue, and the potion would be drank as a tear escaped Victoria's cheek, wiping it away as she would be the first to start clapping in celebration of them. Emily and Victor (newly dead) would spin around and start to walk down the aisle, and the cheers would start into a slightly more upbeat song and the two of them would start running down the aisle to the main exit.

As they both stepped out into the moonlight, the crowds swarming around them, and Victoria pushing through to the front. As soon as she is able to see the scene she would see the smiles that Victor and Emily share as Emily turns into hundereds of butterflies, flutterring around Victor as he'd turn to look at Victoria, him smiling and mouthing the words 'I will never forget you.' Then he would become butterflies as well and they'd fly off into the moonlight, by this time a female narrator would have begun to speak describing them flying off to make their new lives, a life of their afterlife while the friends cheered around them.

Cut to a new scene of a town being overlooked from a window, the scene shifting to show a piano as delicate fingers trailed over it, walking towards the desk that has a glass over a butterfly. The hands pull off the glass and the butterfly flutters around, while the hands open up a thick book and with a quill pen scrawls in neat peninminship while the female narrates the entire time, 'Thus ends the story of the Corpse Bride.' The seen pulls away and we see that Victoria was writing the entire story, she watched as the butterfly flies out the window, she looks happier then before, almost if she is at peace with herself. The buttefly itself flies down and down and down, the noise of piano playing gets louder, and louder as it goes deeper and the last seen is that we see both Emily and Victor playing the piano together.


Now that is how I think it should have been, it would have given me more satisfaction. Now while I like that ending they could of avoided the entire 'wth!?' feeling at the end by explaining somehow about the folklore and butterflies then I probably would have liked the ending.


I agree absolutely.I was a bit put off by the ending as well. I was more for the Victor/Emily pairing.

"your eyes say things i never hear from you "
