totally ruined.

this movie is total bullsh!t.
they had so much bloopers.
so many stupid stuff.
and i loveee sara paxton. but this movie was NOT meant for her.
i actually wanted kimberly in this movie.
i hope they do it right next time.
did you happen to noticed that marnie's (sara's) hair gets darker during the movie? i hate it how that happens.
its body is familar with the original movie.
i mean..what happened to that guy who wanted to take over halloween town in movie 3 2 or 1? what fricken happened to sophie?!
seriously. if ANYONE from the cast is reading this..
its bullsh!t so..try making it betterr and make sure you guys don't try to do it really quicky. i dont wanna sound like a freak or whatever but still.
like i said beforeee. i hate this movie. ughh. forget it. this is one disney movie i did NOT enjoy.


try to make what better i havent read anything about a halloweentown 5
