Some Solid Facts?

Okay, everybody is going on like

*does bad immitation*
'OMG! LYKE! OMG! 5th movie!!! yays!!'

Now seriously, can someone get some SOLID fact that there is another movie, and NOT just from wikipedia or something based from wikipedia? Honestly, because wikipedia is bs, it truely is. Anyone can edit it, and if everyone looks now, the 'new' movie stub is up to be deleted because it was from a fans hope of making a new movie. Now if everyone banded together and tried to get them to make a movie it'd be different from just saying that there is a movie.

But if someone were to give me a link that supports the mention of a fifth movie then please, by all means, share. But until then I'd suggest just being quiet and not basing fact on stuff that can be edited by anyone.

I personally would really like a fifth movie, it'd make me happy... maybe I really should just write my own fanfiction for it. (don't tell D*sney)


your so right disny hisnt side any thing about halloweentown 5 and everyboudy is going nuts on wikipedia


It's because people are morons.

I could register right now on wikipedia right now... go into it... say that LOGO has bought the rights from D*sney and the next movie is going to focus on the alternative sexual lifestyle in Halloweentown. I think people would be sooooo mad at me... and it would be hallarious to see little children freaking out. I want to see boards going 'hOMG! They've lyke ruined the series naow!!! ;_; *cries*'

*snortlaugh* Stupid little children.


i know what your talking about i can go on thry right now and say i was going out with lucas grabeel and thay wed believe me and ba all like oh my god your going out with lucas !!!!! its sick
