I think Ethan was the best fit, but agree that their relationship and feelings for each other came out of nowhere. Wish it had been developed more, or they at least interacted more in the third one. Plus she was so interested in Halloweentown and her witch side I think someone from there would be a better fit.
Cody was a great guy and knew about her witch powers and cool with them but not someone that she could really make a life in Halloweentown with or stuff. Would have basically had to live a life more like her mom's which isn't what she wanted.
Agree that if Kal had been good (or Marni evil) they probably would have been a great pwoer couple and good together as well. But seeing as he was a villain, and played as such from the get go we never really got to see that relationship side for more than a couple minutes at the beginning.
Luke I think had some good potential if they built it up to the angle more since they did have some history, but he always seemed more of a good friend than a boyfriend. Neither one seemed to show any inclination of feeling for the other one.