Realistic? Spoilers
Okay, Corolla was a Golden Gloves Champion. Even so, for him to be in a ring knocking out bigger, stronger, quicker, younger fighters didn't hold salt. I know it's a movie, but come on. Have you ever, I mean ever, seen anyone knocked out in an Olympic style fight? I never have. Usually with the head gear, heavier gloves and lack of skill of the fighters, it's hard to tell who even won. For him to be knocking people out left and right was just preposterous. And for him to lay off his friend at the end was silly too. He would have knocked him out given the opportunity. Frazier loaned Ali money when he was stripped of his title and broke. But when they were in the ring they tried to tear each other's heads off, and nearly succeeded.
I thought the movie was pretty funny, but it would have been better if his friend had beaten him fair and square in a close fight.
"And the license said you had to stick around until I was dead."--Liz Phair, "Divorce Song"