
A lazy, easy way of getting information to an audience. Know who Lazy and Easy were? The eighth and ninth dwarves Walt Disney called into his office and said: "Guys...this isn't working out."

Don't TELL us what you can SHOW us instead. Isn't that Film 101? If you can't convey info through exposition, aren't you pretty much in the wrong effing business? Most of the narrative was stupid and unnecessary, anyway.

Not sure about the title, either.

Otherwise, liked it. Enjoyed the relationship between the principles.



I hope someone told Scorsese and Hitchcock and Kubrick and pretty much every other great director that they are in the wrong business.

Yes, film school students are often told not to use voice overs, but pretty much all of them who go on to be great directors ignore that advice. It's simply not good advice, and has been proven wrong by countless great films. Filmmakers are free to use whatever devices they have at their disposal, to not do so because some teacher told them not to, even when it may very well be the best (or only) effective way to tell what they are trying to tell, is just stupid.

This movie was horrible. The narration was bad too, but far from the only thing holding it back.


Point(s) taken.

Please offer an example of narrative that conveys an insight that couldn't have been achieved through exposition.

I'm not trying to catch you out here. I've actually got some scripts on the go and this stuff is interesting to me.
