I think it needs another series, because as it stands, bar the new baby, everything is more or less as it was in the beginning - apart from Father Melia being in Ireland.
Ah but did Mrs Brazendale die? If so Mr Brazendale is free to marry, and may go looking for May/the baby again...
If there's another series I hope Fr Melia returns. I don't see how he can with the circumstances, that was incredibly sad, but they could do a lot with that character, considering his past he talked of.
I got the feeling Mrs B wasn't going to die (there wasn't enough blood). And if anything this meant Mr B would stick by her - she was a very sad, disturbed lady.
I was gutted Father Melia was sent away, but could see it coming when the smarmy Canon began laying down the law. It would be good if he could come back in a second series - he undoubtedly loved Iris very much, and his character still has great potential.
I feel the series was ended in the 'hope' that a second series would be commissioned, because it was like full circle, except for Father Melia's exile and the new baby of course. But normally the announcer says something about a second series at the close of the first, don't they?
'I feel the series was ended in the 'hope' that a second series would be commissioned, because it was like full circle, except for Father Melia's exile and the new baby of course. But normally the announcer says something about a second series at the close of the first, don't they?'
Not always...there's been a few series' I've watched and been surprised when I've suddenly seen a new series arrive without notice. Maybe they're undecided...
Also, when Frank spoke to May (when he gave her the cake), he mentioned the possibility of Mr B 'leaving' Mrs B .... which now seemed unlikely. I doubt he'd have been so tactless if Mrs B was actually dead!
I thought Mrs B tried to top herself on the same night that May took back the baby. It seemed a while after to me, when Frank brought the cake (bless him!). To be honest, I don't think May would ever marry Frank, even though he's besotted. She just doesn't fancy him.
Yeah I think she did, but I assumed Frank brought the cake a day or two after, which unless May had been sent a telegram, she wouldn't have known what had happened.
I def think there should be another series because this episode didn't tie everything up, like what happened with Ruby and Joseph, did he leave? Is Father Melia ever going to return? There is also lots more potential with story.
The final episode was brilliant in every sense and left me wanting more.
"My mummy and daddy are going to be so mad at me" Stu
I completely agree. I actually felt quite miserable about the outcome this morning, which suddenly felt very unresolved. Yes, the action had gone 'full circle' - which sets the stage for a second series of course - but, on reflection, there are A LOT of loose ends ... I also realised that all the 'men' had made a sacrifice of some sorts. (spoilers ahead)
The most notable sacrifice was Father Melia, who never told Iris why he was being sent away, nor her involvement in his dismissal (her letter to the bishop). He left for love of her really. And he is now tethered to an organisation who seemingly disapproved of his very humanity - his playing football with the kids in the street, his helping the quarantined orphans - and his face, when reprimanded, was expressive of that. (And of course his realisation of the true nature of his employers, was mirrored by Iris's disgust at the greed of the convent). Father Melia was a true romantic hero because he knew his fate and succumbed to it, to protect Iris. I'd love for him to return in a second series, and come to realise that he might be better off working for social good 'outside' of the priesthood.
Mr Brazendale also made a sacrifice, in my opinion. OK, he was a Class A 'louse' as Ruby put it so excellently, but I still felt sorry for him, as by the end, any chance he ever had of being with May and his child is extinguished by his wife's tragic instability. He must protect her. So he too, looks likely to put duty first.
Dadda has already sacrificed his potential for new love and happiness with Miss Bird for the sake of his daughters' feelings and their cherishing the memory of their dead mother. I would love to see him re-ignite his relationship with Miss Bird in a future series. She was such a sweet, touching figure, and would have done him (and the family) the power of good. The Moss family still needs to come to terms with its grief for the absent mother, to move forward.
Frank has sacrificed his emotional future as far as I could see, through his unrequited love for May, as expressed by his sweet little line, that the fruit cake he had made her could last for years - he really would wait that long for her to love him in return. I honestly cannot imagine May ever reciprocating his feelings - he's not handsome, rich or showy enough for her liking. But in a second series, it would be interesting if Frank's loyalty to May was tested by another girl taking a sincere romantic interest in HIM. How would May respond?
Joseph has yet to sacrifice for love - unless his desire to escape Britain and join a Communist brotherhood is overwhelming! Of course he is well and truly under Ruby's thumb! But I felt this was the most stable relationship, outside of the sisters themselves ... in a second series of course, his Communist activities would become much more interesting as history progressed forwards ...
And finally Billy of course (he always feels like an afterthought, even though he was one of my favourite characters, and I want to see much more of him in a second series) - but then we already know his sacrifice, his secret, which is ongoing, and potentially could have hugely dangerous consequences for him, as homosexuality was illegal at that time.
Throughout all this, the girls have such a strong bond - and Victor will be a very beloved baby. But there is huge potential in a second series! Bring it on.
I'll tell you this right now, Mrs Brazendale at the end when she tried to kill herself scared the heck out of me which means it must have been very realistic acting.. it was horrific i thought, poor woman..
Arrrgh I really hope we get a second series! Hmm I actually thought May and Frank were really sweet. When he said he loved her and asked if she could ever love him and she said she thought she could.....i was like, awwwww!
aaanyway there has been too many loose ends to just leave, surely!!! *hopes we get a second series* x
Yes Frank was sweet, although I worried for the guy too. I can't see May ever REALLY loving him - and I felt she was hedging her bets a bit in the episode where she said she could love him. She was much more honest later, in what was a really touching scene, when he helped clean her face up after Dadda beat her. She would always prefer a man like Mr Brazendale ...
What would be interesting in a second series, would be to see Frank being pursued romantically by ANOTHER woman - how would May respond?
However, I would be keenest to follow the Father Melia/Iris story in another series; particularly as he becomes more and more disillusioned with the Catholic Church - which was surely set in motion during the final episode. He was 'sacked' because of his feelings for Iris, but also because he had cared for the sick McBride kids and socialised with his parishioners. That was very harsh on him.
This show, the ending, and these comments remind me so much of Ballykissangel. Just as frustrating. The most frustrating is that the series DID continue, but without the main characters! Wonder if the same would have happened with Lilies...
garboventures I could not agree with your sentiments more!
However I'm not sure if i completely am at ease with the Melia/Iris relationship. I think that this series realistically portrayed the ups and downs of love. He is too attached to his god to sacrifice his beliefs and vows for Iris, it is all too common for Priests in other dramas to give it all up for love and its refreshing to see how everything can't be all neatly worked out in the end. But who knows...?
Time rushes by Love rushes by Life rushes by But the Red Shoes stay on