A balanced review...



With the implication that nobody here has, as yet, provided a 'balanced' review of the film?

I see ...


There is nothing "balanced" about this review. It is just very negative and does not acknowledge any strengths to the movie. It is as unbalanced as the reviews giving this first movie 10/10.

Actually checked up the other reviews on the filmbanana page and they are all like this: Black or white. Everything is either terrible or a masterpiece! (as examples see the very negative review of James Foley's "we own the night", and the "masterpiece" review of Paranoid Park.)

Opinionated yes, Balanced? Definitely not!


Some people just cannot handle the sci-fi or fantasy element. But the fact is that the universe is stranger than we can imagine. Science fiction is science future and 1000 years from now people will be using what we would call magic, if we make it that far.

I think a lot of negative reviews are rooted in this resistance to science fiction or fantasy.

The 6.5 surprised me when I logged on. I gave it 8/10. I'll reserve 10 for the 'one.' Maybe I should go back and give it 9? :]

If you enjoyed this, I recommend 'Man from Earth.'


man *beep* that review. this movie is one of the best movies I ever seen. I'm still trying to wrap my head around it. That's a type of movie i like. A plot that makes you think. Definite 10/10.


I agree with eggroll43-- this is MY kind of movie-- keeps you guessing, wide open, creative, endless possibilities, leaves you wanting more while giving you enough to blow your mind. Well done, John August!!!


>Definite 10/10.


I gave it a 9.


But it deserves a 7....or two of them.

Gotta return some videotapes


The saying "Those who can't do, Teach..." is similar to the entertainment industry saying that I just made up for this. "Those who are not creative enough to make films, become Film Critics..."

"There are no more Original Ideas... Just original Renditions..."
Joshua Lee Frazier


Did anyone pick-up on that subtile joke in the exchange between S & G when she says, speaking of her drinking wine and the baby "I pumped before I came" and he replies "I pumped before I came too" speaking of his mastrubation earlier.
