By the same token, he didn't have a sex scene with the blonde ether. He kissed both of them at different times in the film. To answer your question, I think they never had sex because the nature of their relationship was not sexual. He loved her (Melissa), as one of his creations, and even told her in the end, "You were my favorite." He didn't say this meaning she was his favorite girlfriend or wife. I believe he meant she was his favorite creation. Also, by casting a plus size woman, in competition with the stereotypical blonde and slender Susan, for the ever so handsome Ryan Reynolds, sets the audience up to think on a more shallow level, that him being a 9, has more to do with his looks. Even in act 2, where melissa is married, and Gavin is seemingly same sex oriened, she mentions that he always calls her when he's bored, then drops her when someone hotter comes around. It sets the stage for us to see that Ryan's character is "superior" to Melissa's somehow. The first idea will always draw to the superficial (looks). But we soon learn, it's not something as superficial as looks. He's a 9 being, and she's a 7 being.