Ryan eventually realizes his true self which is God-essence. He's from the warm/white place which is 'Heaven'/the all but he chooses to live in the 'real' world to experience his creation. Amazing take on we are all in a world/reality of our own making but we forget who we are, on purpose at first. Making the goal to enjoy life not knowing that you are too the creator of it, however slowly realizing who we are is a path that some of us may take in this existence, making the act of returning to self all the more amazing.
I am taking a Philosophy class and tried to recommend this to my teacher instead of watching Being John Malcovich again cause I think it deals with parameter and reality and who we see ourselves as. You can make the metaphor for anyone who is trapped and knows they dont belong but enjoys the ignorance. I almost take this movie as a if you have the potential realize who you are and dont simply box yourself in. If you have people who love you tey will do there best to save you from yourself (or your own weakness) which ever but there are always good people who are limited for whatever reason who do not belong where you want to go but a good none the less. Its a strong emotional connection for anyone who has ever had to leave someone.
Out of all of the posts I've read on this movie, this by far is the best theory. People have talked about everything from religion to online gaming and no one has come close to this. It's a universal message and I thank you for your post.
Very well put. Exactly what I got out of it. This movie messed me up a bit though and has me a little paranoid. It really had things that hit close to home.
I just finished watching it and I don't think I have ever felt this way after a movie.
I am stuck focusing on the fact that the "S" chick also had a 9 tattoo on her. If her and "G" were on equal level, are they angels? Think about it. In his final reality, his name was Gabriel, a well known angel name in many religions. It could be a sign of him getting closer and closer to realizing who he truly is.
Another option, which would explain the 9 tattoos: He is G, S, and M. Or, he is G and S. He creates S to try and get himself out. When he recreates the final reality, he either chooses to be M, or, had M become him.
Sorry dude cant see that one, we all fight who we are at times and the idea that S is simply a manifestation of his sub conscious is understandable but the subtlety of their actions in forcing him to realize what he was does not lend much to sub conscious realization. That's the core of the movie in itself in that he needs other people to save him from himself. Giving divine figures mortal short comings is a constant trend in divinity. The idea that only God is above our faults and not his servants lends to the idea that in fact angels are human and suffer as we suffer if not more so. Aside from that he creates his world which is beyond the limitations of the traditional understanding of angels. The parallel of demi god fits more appropriately which is why there are others of equal capability to help him.
As the story progresses you realize that he needs to accept who he is. The larger unanswered question in my mind is what role is M. If you would compare G to a drug addict then isn't M simply a junkie with him. Or better yet is M the junkie and G is the supplier and an addict. As much as it is painful to see G dilute himself you have to remember that M is avoiding reality as well. She is living in his fantasies as opposed to blazing her own path. As M and S fight in the first story I got that sense of I am trying to save him and then the classic addict response of he can make his own decisions. In the end of course M realizes that it cant go on.
The last point I want to make is that M is holding him back but it is clear that he cares about her. In the second story however it is clear that he cares more about the illusion (his drug) then he does about her. So you can track their feelings through the stories and the realizations they have until they both have to come to terms with the truth. That he loves her but that's not why he is with her in her world. S forces him to chose between M or the illusion in the second story knowing that M is what grounds him into the illusions because he did not create her.
I am about as far from religious as can be. A professed atheist, however I grew up Catholic, going to parochial schools nearly all the way through. Here's some food for thought on the angel angle - The Archangel Gabriel was a Seraphim from the NINTH Choir of Angels.
Seems to support, or at least lend credibility, to your proposed theory.
I like the 'Sims' allegory better. lol
I am the One, True Brian. All other Brians are false. Kneel before Brian.
That's an interesting perspective that ties the three stories together since each story how characters that make their own realities (writer creates a world, video game creater creates his own universe, etc.)
I agree although it sure as hell could have been made a lot clearer if that was the case. But yeah, we all escape into "maya," the illusory story of self and individuality. Our entire world and existence is this story. But at some point we need to wake up, "remember who we really are," and this destroys our entire world (or at least the way we knew it) completely.
Each of the three stories go up one level. In the first, as an actor, he shapes his own identity as an individual, in the second, as a writer/docu-star, he shapes his personal environment, and in the last he creates an entire world in every aspect. To me the stories seemed like stages of awakening as he was climbing out of his own illusions.
I wrote a short story in 1999 and adapted that short story into a screenplay for a 10 minute short film in 2001. When I saw The Nines I was taken aback because it shared a lot of similarities with both. How you sum up this film could serve as a summary of my stories too except in my stories, there were 4 beings that composed of the warm/white place which is HEAVEN/the all. They were in perfect existence (true bliss) for trillions of years. One of them had an idea to create a different type of dimension (the reality we see now). The three others helped make and maintain the reality with the plan of allowing the main character to realise the plan so they could all return to the previously perfect real reality so they're able to compare it with the imperfect fake reality and potentially appreciate it more.
The plan didn't work as conceived because the main character's memory was erased (as plan of the plan) but realisation/recollection took longer than anyone thought and the longer he stayed in the fake dimension, the more real it seemed to him and the more difficult it was to see anything else as a viable alternative. A consequence of this was the other characters were all knowingly stuck in the fake dimension.
The story starts millions of years after plan inception (in present day) where the other characters are now willing to try anything to 'remind' the main character of his true nature so normal reality will be resumed so they're no longer all stuck in the fake reality.
I think it is all pretty well summed up when she tells him he is a powerful, multi-dimensional being. This is the story of your life, the story of my life and all of the other, "MEs" running around that think they are separate people. It is the illusion of separation, separation from a God or from each other. People say all the time, "how could a God exist when horrible things happen, if a God does exist - why would it LET horrible things happen?" It's because all of the "MEs" are really just the same being.
Whatever God is, it big-bang split its self into a multi-billion fingered glove where the fingers don't realize they are all pieces of the same hand/mind just screwing with its self for entertainment purposes, and also to experience the absence of love so as to see just how perfect and fantastic it is.
Science and religion are both correct but people always need to see things through their own reality tunnel. This causes fanatical bickering and makes for great drama. Reality tunnels are created from our first sensation of living and are built around everyone else we encounter and every decision we make.
I am he -as you are he -as you are me and we are all together just breaking our own heart daily. We can't really be hurt or destroyed - we are powerful multi-dimensional beings waiting to be pulled back together for an eternity of reference material based on the experiences and trips down the reality tunnels of all 7 billion of us. So, enjoy your life and try to make the best of it because eventually we will all be watching THAT movie too.
Nice post. Day to day I am an atheist but that is really in response to religion. When it comes down to it and I try and actually understand just what the universe is, what this consciousness is, my thoughts come to something similar. I think we are all pieces of something that is conscious, (actually not something just consciousness itself probably) but I think the mistaken assumption we make is that the root of this thing is constant and omniscient. Instead I think it is evolving.
Whatever "it" is it started out as nothing but through the evolution of consciousness we have created the idea of love, something that isn't just pure chaos. Through billions of years of the evolution of consciousness we will perhaps get somewhere indescribable. a consciousness that is not a product of a human brain as we know it today, by that time a brain will likely be an important but extinct part of the history of the universe.
My prediction is that humans and technology will fuse together over the next hundred thousand years. The separation between human, computer and internet will cease to exist. The electrical waves which makes up our consciousness will be fused with the electromagnetic waves which make up data communications between nodes on the internet. We will cease to exist as humans, our consciousness will exist solely on the network. Before our organic bodies become extinct we will have covered the planet in solar powered network pathways so that the sun powers our digital world for billions of years much like it powers our physical one now. We will be the code, the network will be our virtual universe unbounded by the limitations of the physical one. We tune into films like The Nines and The Matrix, EXistenZ, Strange Days and many others like them that hint at the future ahead of us because we know it's coming. We know simulation indistinguishable from reality is a future inevitability. The internet is already the global mind, it is only a matter of time before the human element to it disappears. That is what Artificial Intelligence will really be.
Good post yourself! Your idea begs to be put on film. One of my best friends for over 40 years writes screenplays in his spare time. He has one called, "The A.I. Bots of War" that shares similarities with your idea. I figure that hyperspace or the spirit world or whatever you call the true highest dimension of reality - will be like an open canvas anyways. This is probably how we ended up in this one in the first place. CGI wasn't enough we actually had to FEEL stuff, and to feel things requires nerve endings. Next thing you know we have duality, stuck in these monkey suits.
EDIT! So glad to see another person has found the masterpiece nuttiness that is "Existenz". And thank you for turning me on to this, "Strange Days". How in the hell did I miss this flick? I just watched the trailer; can't wait to see it.
That is actually a transcendental theory that has been tossed around since the 70's (i believe). Very interesting to say the least.
A slant on that theory is that instead of 1 of us being the creator, we are all "pieces" of the creator. and those people in your life you "feel" closest to are the "pieces" you were next to when you were part of the creator.