The Camera
How did MMM and her daughter see MMM in a different reality on her camera?
Labor Day Is Here:
How did MMM and her daughter see MMM in a different reality on her camera?
Labor Day Is Here:
because that's what "That show" was about.
the first "skit" was about an actor who played in a cop show. she stays at a house that just so happens to be a writer who is the main character of the 2nd skit.
the 2nd skit is about a writer of a show staring mccarthy. the part of the show that was filmed is the part you saw with her and her daughter looking at a video of something. the video was about him "letting her go" in the other 2 skits. this is why she says "how could you".
look at it this way. it's two realities overlapping each other.
Well basically, that scene was filmed after those scenes seen on the video camera. Quite possibly it was the last scene to be filmed. What they did then was put the footage shot earlier onto the camera's memory stick. Or possibly, in post production, they added the video.
shareMy guess would be they shot this part first, as the video looked like it was added and Reynolds has a beard. They probably shot the 3rd then 1st then 2nd based on his appearance in each. His hair was the shortest in the 2nd.
shareI wondered that too. because the pilot was made BEFORE he was coerced into firing Melissa McCarthy. They talked about him being lucky to re-shoot the pilot.