I must be developing ADD. Because half-way through this film, I was really hoping for an explosion or fierce lightsaber battle between Hans and Lily. Or maybe the film was just boring and needed an editor?
It needed a good car chase scene. Einar would be driving a getaway car with Gerda at his side, but suddenly his Lili personality would take over and he would say something dumb like: "I'm Lili now and I can't drive! Women can't drive!". Gerda would have a gun and shoot the car behind them driven by Hans because they owe him a painting that he needs to sell at an auction for money he would use to score some absinthe.
"I'm Lili now and I can't drive! Women can't drive!".
This really made me laugh. I'm a woman driver and a pretty conservative driver but I have noticed a lot of really shtty women drivers in my area of late. They cant freaking park in a spacious shopping centre parking area without getting out of their cars to check they're within the lines. Beggars belief. The soccer moms also cant negotiate something as simple as a frigging roundabout.
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Oh I don't think women are bad drivers. On the contrary, one of the best drivers I've known is my mum - I've seen her park and get out of the narrowest of spots and has amazing reflexes, the only time she got into a crash was the driver's fault. I personally despise the sexist view that women are bad drivers, and unfortunately Einar in the film has a lot of stereotypical views about women (when he is in his female persona he immediately becomes weepy and whiny - a sexist view that men have about women's personalities).