MovieChat Forums > The Danish Girl (2016) Discussion > Would have been vastly improved with lig...

Would have been vastly improved with lightsabers or Iron Man.

I must be developing ADD. Because half-way through this film, I was really hoping for an explosion or fierce lightsaber battle between Hans and Lily. Or maybe the film was just boring and needed an editor?


 the movie certainly needed some story editing. Pretty sure lightsabers or dumb Marvel heroes wouldn't have improved it though.

For every lie I unlearn I learn something new - Ani Difranco


Or you are just a low information movie goer.


I don't think so. I enjoy movies like "The Big Sleep", where I have to figure out what is happening. I think editing makes a huge difference.



Zombies and kung fu never hurt.


Somebody staring into space would have been a vast improvement to what we were given.

The only people who like this are the ones who are educated by talk shows early morning.


Would it have helped if some romantic, lovesick vampires came along? They're always good.


Walken and Eric Roberts would have helped.


It needed a good car chase scene. Einar would be driving a getaway car with Gerda at his side, but suddenly his Lili personality would take over and he would say something dumb like: "I'm Lili now and I can't drive! Women can't drive!". Gerda would have a gun and shoot the car behind them driven by Hans because they owe him a painting that he needs to sell at an auction for money he would use to score some absinthe.

There, now wouldn't that be a fun movie? :)


"I'm Lili now and I can't drive! Women can't drive!".

This really made me laugh. I'm a woman driver and a pretty conservative driver but I have noticed a lot of really shtty women drivers in my area of late. They cant freaking park in a spacious shopping centre parking area without getting out of their cars to check they're within the lines. Beggars belief. The soccer moms also cant negotiate something as simple as a frigging roundabout.


Oh I don't think women are bad drivers. On the contrary, one of the best drivers I've known is my mum - I've seen her park and get out of the narrowest of spots and has amazing reflexes, the only time she got into a crash was the driver's fault. I personally despise the sexist view that women are bad drivers, and unfortunately Einar in the film has a lot of stereotypical views about women (when he is in his female persona he immediately becomes weepy and whiny - a sexist view that men have about women's personalities).


a sexist view that men have about women's personalities).

Well take that up with the person who wrote the screenplay. She is a woman after all.

You're the one who keeps calling Lili 'weepy and whiny'.
