MovieChat Forums > The Danish Girl (2016) Discussion > S/he was more feminine than most women

S/he was more feminine than most women

Manliest men want the most feminine women. That's a fact.

Even the most beautiful girl, that is not very feminine will have trouble attracting males.

I believe it is applaudable that he was able to be so feminine in such short time. Most girls don't even give a damn about acting/being feminine and they demand a masculine man. It doesn't work that way.

Hey, Soldier. Do you know who's in command here?


Yes, Eddie's Lili was very feminine.

Not sure what the rest of your post is about though


Yikes, if Lili was really more feminine than most women, I guess I'll never have to worry about mistaking a trans for a real woman.

When logic and science aren't on your side, you always lose.


He didn't seem convincingly feminine to me. Just a weird pretender.


The OP sounds like a tranny-chaser because they make comments like "Manliest men want the most feminine women. That's a fact" all the time. Then they proceed in denigrating genetic women that don't live up to their standards. The thing is a lot of them, if not most, are not 'manly men.' Many times they come off rather fem or 'queenie.'

Do I drink because my dreams don't come true, or don't my dreams come true because I drink?
