This movie reeks of so much self-importance...
It's laughable. Clearly a movie contrived to get Oscar attention. IMHO, it's more a fictional movie about narcissism run amuck more than anything else. Much like Caitlyn/Bruce Jenner. Can't keep track of what she or he prefers to be this week.
The lines are so unbearably cheesy. And you can almost imagine everyone involved being all smug about how important each and every over-acted scene was after the director called cut.
I want to be clear that my problem with this movie is not the subject matter. I think the subject of gender identity is an important one and greatly needs more discussion, attention and empathy. I just feel like movies like this poorly represent the real people that it purports to champion. You can clearly see that this movie and Jenner seek, desire, and want as much attention as possible. It's their drug. I don't know, but I'm pretty sure the real gender identity population wants no part of that, and just wants to be understood and accepted.