MovieChat Forums > The Danish Girl (2016) Discussion > He's a woman because he likes wearing a ...

He's a woman because he likes wearing a dress?

That's what the movie seemed to be saying. That's what it means to be a woman, eh?

If this movie was supposed to make me think that transsexualism is anything more than a tragic mental illness, it failed utterly. The guy just seemed like a nut and the people that took him seriously just seemed to be enabling him on his path to destruction.

All this machine does is swim, and eat, and make little sharks. -- Matt Hooper, JAWS




It dose seem to be another one of those movies. That tries to convince the general public that Trans Folk are a huge segment of the population. When they make up less than even Gays. Which is about 3% of the population.



How does it try to convince the general public transgender people make up a huge segment of the population? There is only one trans person in the movie.


When they make up less than even Gays. Which is about 3% of the population.

Think again: Gay/bi people are at least 10% of the population and THAT is only if you leave out all those in the closet or very private about it.



Again, if you count bi and bi-curious it is easily that much. It's easier to know from the inside than from the outside. What people say and do are often very different.



You will never know obviously because so many you assume are completely straight are not. But if you are completely straight and closed off from the "inside" you will never know how many straight guys have "fantasies" or double lives.



You just confirmed my whole point. You probably kept yourself consciously (or even subconsciously) away from the openly gay who were either protesters, proponents or obvious due to mannerisms and speech, because those are the ones you could identify and choose to avoid if you wish. You simply considered them a representation of what gay life and men are like since those are the ones who stand out. You however have never been on the inside, and your disapproving and judgemental nature was evident from the start to all concerned. Those who looked and passed as straight would never confide in you.

The minority are the stereotypical ones you easily see and identify as gay. But I assure you that you have some gay or bi men in your family and/or close circle of friends and/or co-workers who slip easily under the radar, as you are certainly not the type of person they would confide in about this. This goes too for those who are (for all intents and purposes) "straight", but nonetheless have or want to "experiment.

There are so many degrees of homosexuality; even the game "Gay Chicken" brings out an excuse for straight guys to experiment under the guise of testing their endurance not to pull sway.

Of course, non of this is surprising since societal homosexuality had been as common as heterosexuality --- and is just as old too.



Sorry but no again. Your last response only confirms what I said. You are blissfully unaware of the truth and assume those you met have all been straight. You are someone who they would never confide in about personal experiences, experiments or desires so what you "don't know" is what you consider a matter of fact. You want what you think to be true. It's just not, but believe what you want. I used to think like you did until I started meeting gay people and straight people who it turns out had a lot of secrets.

It's not what I want to believe, it's what I (very surprisingly) discovered once on the inside. From what I can tell of you, you will always be on the outside and basing your opinion on that. And that's fine with me.



Your only view stands on a perspective that only you are the holder of truths and only you can hold and make decisions

No, I am basing it on that I know far better than you because I am bi and have a lot more opportunity for people to open up and be honest to me unlike you who is (I presume) not only straight but definitely way too closed-minded for anyone to trust. In other words, even if they did confide in a straight person you wouldn't be it!

...even when the academics and science is all against you.

...uh, wrong again. I can quote you numerous sources that show the reported amount to claim to be gay that then goes on to clearly qualify it by saying there is at least twice as many who are bi, curious, questioning or just not honest enough to admit it.

So as much as I have numerous, thousands of people I have met who have all been straight

CORRECTION: "numerous" people you have ignorantly and blissfully assumed were straight because if they look straight and never said otherwise didn't tell you directly (or hid it from you specifically) they "must be straight" in your mind. Wrong. Same with the classic saying, "Oh, the guy next door was always so nice. NO WAY he could be a serial killer". the undeniable demographic and statistics data that goes back hundreds of years

LOL, just proved my point again. "Hundreds of years"? Not only is homosexuality as old as heterosexuality, but if you go back to the past few hundred years when it was dangerous to even admit it, then one's perception of the true population is far more skewed than it is today.

...we should all believe your personal, subjective, idealistic idea only and nobody else's?

No, you should go by my first hand experience with seemingly straight people either telling me or coming on to me, something they won't do to you who is not only straight but obviously prejudiced and closed-minded.

You are looking at it from one direction. That straight people, might, might, possibly, no guarantee are gay because you believe they have secrets. OK. But it goes the other way.

Wrong again. It certainly does not "go the other way". There are no gay people who are afraid to admit they are straight.

Now that I've proved you wrong time and again I'll let you rant to yourself in your homophobic world where ignorance is king and "what you don't know can't hurt you". I am very busy and this conversation is no longer constructive so I must now put you on IGNORE and I will not see further comments from you, nor commenting here again, so anyone following this thread can just sit back and watch him rattle on and on from here on out. Go for it.... 



If you love Satan and are 100% proud of it copy this and make your signature!


Yes, those are reported/confirmed ones who identify completely as homosexual. It doesn't take into account those who are closeted and don't report or those who are bisexual or experiment, etc. which are far more numerous. It's far trickier and surprising how many participate and enjoy it "on the side".


Yes, those are reported/confirmed ones who identify completely as homosexual. It doesn't take into account those who are closeted and don't report or those who are bisexual or experiment, etc. which are far more numerous.

It's like that with transsexuals too. I think only about 10% transition but most of them don't. I've known some from 25 and 30 years ago and to this day they still live as heterosexual males. They would never partake in a survey just so people would know they actually feel transgender and crossdress in private.


Exactly. I can't believe what so many "straight" people confess when drinking or in the company of someone they know doesn't judge.


Goobs, you would look so HAWT in a dress. A rack rack and a slong is so HAWT. You would still be a dude. The main character of this movie is a woman, though.


I think the scene where he stood in front of a mirror and tucked his penis and the fact that he risked his life to get a vagina made it pretty obvious that being transgender is about WAY more than just liking to wear dresses. I'm not sure why you couldn't get that.


He didnt risk his life to get a vagina, he actual risked it and lost to get a uterus...A UTERUS!! I mean, WTF???? I agree with the OP that there had to be some form of mental illness afoot. He was nothing more than a guinea pig for a mad scientist. Gerda was a closet lesbian herself (see trivia section before you pounce on me) which would explain why she seemed to go along with everything surprisingly well. I, on the other hand, would have lost my shyt if my husband that I was deeply in love with and trying to start a famy with revealed himself as Elnar did. She seemed to take it all in stride only showing opposition on occasion, yet eventually folding. Gerda, imo, was attracted to the fem side of Elnar. Lili freed her to step out of her closet.


She wasnt a closet lesbian at all. She was living openly as a lesbian for a year in Paris. Goes to show what a mess that trivia page is if the fan submitted that, and as I said in the other thread, that isnt movie trivia anyway. It was also not confirmed she was a lesbian. She was bi if anything, especially considering she went on to marry another man after the first marriage was annulled.


Was she an openly gay woman or bisexual before or after Elnar/Lili? If before, then she was closted or perhaps more aptly unaware of her attraction to women; however, if after then I just perceived that Lili's "truth" freed her to make her own declaration about her sexuality. See the movie doesn't mention or address it nor does the trivia section. What the trivia section does mention, just as you have, is that she was later married to man again. Funny how that trivia section has a hit or miss quality to it, huh?


You're an idiot. I already told you I havent read the trivia section. That is a fan based submission and is not movie trivia.


Re: Whoever keeps submitting trivia about...

image for user danloki
» 2 days ago (Sat Apr 9 2016 12:25:38) Flag ▼

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IMDb member since December 2015

I just had a quick scan of that. Holy sht. That would have to be the worst trivia section I've ever seen on imdb. Whoever submitted that has absolutely no idea what movie trivia is.

You're an idiot. I already told you I havent read the trivia section. That is a fan based submission and is not movie trivia.--danloki

You're a twat for making assumptions; where did it state anywhere in my post that YOU read the trivia section? Then you state that it's fan based submissions and not movie how would you know that unless you have read it? And to make matters even more clear that you're a nitwit, with no apparent sense of truth or objectiveness, you post the above quote on another thread indicating that you have indeed at least perused the trivia section. I don't give a fuq about that damn trivia section, but what you are not going to do is get aggressive on a fuqing IMDB message over some trivial shyt (literally) and get found the fuq out for lying.

You can now take your sad sack self and move on, because I'm not crossing over this bridge again, TROLL. the latest inductee to my list of lame ignored, I mean users on IMDB. Actually, in your case, I do mean loser.


I just had a quick scan of that.

What do you think that means? A quick scan means exactly that.

Thanks for the laughs, though, fuq this fuq that. Is it full moon or are you always so charming and hysterical? And is putting me on ignore supposed to hurt my feefies? OK you win😭😭😭


You can't get a uterus with any operation available to mankind!! You can only get a vagina, which is the long tube leading to a uterus. Learn some female anatomy.


An important factor surrounding Lili's death was left out from the movie: in the hopes of one day carrying a child, she went through another round of operations in September of 1931, this time with the goal of successfully transplanting a womb into her body. Elbe died of organ rejection after receiving one of the world's earliest uterine transplants (her fifth operation) on September 13, 1931, at the age of 48, but in the film she died after the second sex reassignment surgery. The film not even mentioned that Lili tried to transplant a uterus.

That's where I got the info. about the uterine transplant, so take that "learn something about female anatomy" shyt up with IMDB. Doc.


And before you start putting exclamation points at the end of your uninformed responses, a cursory Google search would have quieted your ignorance; but now you've opened your mouth and have removed all doubt.

Make yourself comfortable on my ignore list you arrogant c___t.


you arrogant c___t.

How lovely. Did your mother teach you to speak like that?

Hey dumb dumb, that wasnt in the movie. You do realise, do you not, that the movie was loosely based on the fictional account of what happened? You uninformed dolt.


I wrote this in another post.

The movie never suggested that simply liking to be in women's clothing makes you female. It showed that the character herself was female inside, and expressed it in many ways, scenes, and emotions.

- Waffa


Denmark has removed transsexualism as a mental illness.


That's what you got out of this? That's he's a woman because he likes to wear dresses?

I suggest you stick with fare that requires very little intelligence.

Time wounds all heels.


So why do you think Redmayne's character wanted to be a women, Mr. Storyteller? This film is poorly written and horribly acted and denies going into any depth about the story.


Oh, good lord. Go watch a Transformers movie.

Time wounds all heels.


That's what the movie seemed to be saying. That's what it means to be a woman, eh?

If this movie was supposed to make me think that transsexualism is anything more than a tragic mental illness, it failed utterly. The guy just seemed like a nut and the people that took him seriously just seemed to be enabling him on his path to destruction.

Einar/Lili's character wasn't fully developed.This is due to the fact that the movie has poor writing.
