MovieChat Forums > Burn Notice (2007) Discussion > Are they still talking about doing a spi...

Are they still talking about doing a spin-off show?

I remember hearing about them doing a spin-off series but I haven't heard about it in a long time.

I SMELL TOOOOOOAAAAAAST!!!!! Grandpa Simpson in The Simpsons Hit and Run


There was a spin-off TV movie starring Bruce Campbell as Sam Axe that was shown on USA before the series ended. Jeffrey Donovan made a cameo in it, but the events portrayed in this movie took place before Michael was burned.

The sun is shining... but the ice is slippery.


There were talks, possible internet noise, about Sam and Jesse having a spin off taking place after Mike and Fi's death.

Nobody knows what I do, until I don't do it.


I don't know how well that would work, neither was ever the planner, the mastermind, they were always Mike's ideas, Sam & Jesse were great at carrying them out, but they weren't 'idea men'

plus, they'd probably have to recruit a couple more people, at least one girl, to pull off the we really want to see them working that closely with anyone else?


I agree it would be a tough sale, but any form of Burn Notice is better than none at all.

Course they could give Jesse a love interest and she could fill out their roster. But I don't think Nix and Co. really have anything started just the tease and hope. Like at the funeral the two mention about a job to keep viewers clinging on for what if.

Nobody knows what I do, until I don't do it.


OMG, that would be just great! So many people, family and friends, wanting the series to comeback. If it does come back, it will be amazing!



Bruce Campbell and Coby Bell both signed development deals with the network, and there was talk of continuing the story of Sam Axe and Jesse Porter in a spin-off.. But clearly nothing ever came of it..


If this is true it'd be awesome! Burn Notice is a masterpiece.


Spin off is coming!

Will star Bruce Campbell and instead of using the alias Chuck Finley, Bruce will introduce himself as Heywood Jablome.


after (re)watching "Square One" today, I think I've got the lineup for a sequel/spin-off series...Sam and Jesse, with Ethan (from "Square One," the Army sniper said to be 'very much like Michael,' had been approached by the CIA, and was going to talk to them by the end of the episode, so he'd get some training, and, hey, who knows, maybe Mike could've been training him on the side when we weren't watching ;) Mike did look at him like a protégé as he left the loft), (by then) former Agent Pearce (the series Nix created that she was in was canceled, so she could be available)...and if it's enough years in the future, maybe even the older son from "Shot in the Dark," he seemed like a mini-Mike in training (keep eating yogurt, son!)

it wouldn't be as good, of course, but if Nix came back to create and write/direct, I'd be there to watch!
