MovieChat Forums > Burn Notice (2007) Discussion > Pilot question (Minor spoilers)

Pilot question (Minor spoilers)

So it becomes established that Michael has the same philosophy as the A Team, shoot and blow stuff up, but never kill anyone. However, anyone notice in the pilot he caps two guys in the bathroom after he knocks them out? You don't see it, but he racks the firearm and fires two shots off screen. Also i just binged watched the entire show and noticed how much the narration had changed over the series.


I always took Mike leaving the bathroom racking the gun getting ready to fight his way out, not knowing the guys outside would be distracted like they were.

Nobody knows what I do, until I don't do it.


you can hear two shots.

BUT...did anyone else see the lobby?? it "looked" like Vaughn was in the lobby, it is really quick, but.....


I think your "never kill anyone" is a bit too broad, he tried his best never to let innocent civilians be harmed, but the guys in the pilot were muscle for a warlord the CIA was trying to pay off *not* to blow up an oil field, clearly not innocent

also, recall all the times when Michael may not have directly killed a bad guy, but he set up a situation where bad guys killed each other, some of which the viewer knows for sure, others, we can guess about
