MovieChat Forums > Burn Notice (2007) Discussion > Just getting around to this show now - t...

Just getting around to this show now - the mother wasn't needed

I am well into season 3 and generally I like the show alot. The mother role seems extraneous to me. I don't find myself enjoying her scenes. It's just endless repetition of her asking what is going on (while smoking - gross), they don't tell her and then someone has to move her temporarily when she is in danger. Seems like filler to me.

I am also already sick of Michael's attempts at getting back into the agency. I guess it is a way to create tension but I am sick of it. I hope that ends soon but a quick peak at the other threads seems to indicate it goes on forever.


Though Maddie can be a little annoying at times, she also comes up with some pretty good lines. In the big scheme of things, she helps to shed light on Michael's past and how his upbringing helped shape him. Plus, since he has been away for a long time and avoided his family, it is amusing as he is forced to interact with them and deal with problems/emotional issues that he buried.

Regarding getting back into the agency, that is pretty much the whole gist of the show. He wants to clear his name and get back to what he did best, and the life that he knew. Unfortunately the corruption is pretty deep so he keeps uncovering more levels.

If there was a character I would get rid of it would be Fiona. I just can't stand her. I have watched all the seasons several times and each time I like her less.


I have to agree--I like Maddie much better than Fiona. I can't decide if I don't like the character, or if it's Gabrielle Anwar's acting that irks me. She has always been the sour note, while Maddie makes me laugh (and the relationship helps make sense of--and light of--many of the bigger storytelling elements).


I don't think it's the actress (other than desperately needing to eat something). It's the character. She starts out as a woman who says Michael has spoiled her for normal, safe men. She uses violence as fore-play. She's erratic, violent, and more than a little bloodthirsty. And then as the show progresses, she turns into this whiny neurotic character who keeps nagging the hell out of Michael to quit the spy game and be with her. So she likes what he is, but doesn't want him to be that anymore? C'mon. The incessant nagging got old, fast. You'd think she would understand him, and support his decision to get back into the game if for no other reason than to truly clear his name so he could get out clean later. Just annoying after awhile.

Whores will have their trinkets.


Couldnt disagree more. Fiona is great & annoying? How? She fits the role ideally. Shes ex IRA. Perfect demeanor. Great actress. Success breeds hate. Many more love you Gabrielle than hate u


I thought Fiona was a great character initially and the actress is solid. But the writers started to contradict the Fiona character about the 3rd or 4th season in. Besides that though no issue.


I liked her brash tude at first then it got annoying, was hoping they'd write her off. She just doesn't get the spy life, will never understand and will always be a weakness.



I just got around to finally watching this show. Was a good show. And really started out great. I didn't like some of the manufactured drama. And the writing definitely had trouble tying in all of the evil organizations towards the end. Michael's decisions in the last couple seasons were also tough to buy because they were all over the place. The series ended well, but the lead up was disappointing.

Madeleine was my least favorite main character by far. I was dealing with her character alright for the first couple seasons. But then she starts whining about always wanting to be "in the know" and have input or participate on missions without any training. Completely unrealistic stuff. Really started grating on me in the later seasons. I started skipping through all the Maddie scenes. Absolutely hated her character and the evolution of it. It was an unnecessary main character (she was in every episode).
