Season 6-7 Tone Ever Explained?
So, one of my favorite shows of all time. At least up until season 6 somewhere. My question is, was it ever explain, maybe by Matt Nix, Erik Lee (?), Tony Lara (?) (Hope I am getting those last names right), why the whole show went to absolute hell in season 6? Now before it happens, I already know, some Burn Notice fans think the whole darker tone thing was a great thing. I re-watch the show, usually in the summer months when I have time, every year for the past couple of years, and here's the deal...I have to quit about half way through season 6. Now, I am not judging on those who love the darker tone. Hey, we're all Burn Notice fans after all. I just really love the first four-five seasons with the clients of the weeks and the lighter, more personally enjoyable tone of the whole thing. I mean by season 7, it honestly doesn't even feel like the same show. So, if anyone knows, was it ever explained by the creator, producers, or anyone else involved as to why the show really switched tones during season 6?
Don't take my silence for confusion, [insert name] I was just trying to kill you with my mind.