MovieChat Forums > Bright Star (2009) Discussion > George Keats in America

George Keats in America

I don't know if Fanny Keats, John's sister, ever married or had any children but his brother George, who emigrated to America, did. This kind of thing has always been interesting to me. Here's some information I found about his descendants (you'll have to read a bit to find the section that mentions the Keats family): RA2-PA12&dq=descendants+of+george+keats&source=bl&ots=iAHW 9Tagy3&sig=SvgVBglLXN1-HWNbB0_s7tV9tGY&hl=en&ei=0SW-S_6PDo L48Abp1bTPCA&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=6&am p;ved=0CBsQ6AEwBQ 09&dq=descendants+of+george+keats&source=bl&ots=mpIgxK0Aci &sig=O9vOLg0KvyOSvtf4MVolTiOGkyc&hl=en&ei=0SW-S_6PDoL48Abp 1bTPCA&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=9&ved= 0CCMQ6AEwCA

"I'd never ask you to trust me. It's the cry of a guilty soul."


Fanny Keats did marry - a Spanish author by the last name of Llanos, and she had, I know, one son (named Juan, of course!), and maybe other childdren. Seems like a daughter,too, if I'm not mistaken. I have a biography at home on Fanny, so I'll check later. An interesting piece of trivia (if there can ever be anything trivial about Keats!!) is that Llanos was in Rome at the same time Keats was there. The area of Rome that John and Joseph Severn were staying (the Spanish Steps neighborhood) was actually the area of Rome that was "home" to many English, and Llanos had befriended some of the "expatriates." Anyway, he actually asked to be introduced to Keats and was! All this before he had ever even heard of John's sister. Talk about a small world! (I wish I was in one . . . !)
