Our Favorite Cravat Wearing Brits
Ben Whishaw — Bright Starhttp://www.pajiba.com/seriously_random_lists/trust-us-its-not-just-the -accents-our-favorite-cravatwearing-brits.php
Here we have straight-up literary crack. Or, better yet, hard-core Brit. Lit. porn. As the poet John Keats, Ben Whishaw is so exquisitely doomed, romantic, emotional and lovely that (spoiler alert) watching him die over and over is practically unbearable. But it’s worth the rewatch for Whishaw’s wistful delivery of Keats’ most famous poems, for his devotion to Abbie Cornish’s Fanny, and for the way he carelessly, effortlessly wears those worn out coats, britches and cravats. He is the end-all, be-all of tragic romanticism and irresistible to those of us susceptible to burning looks (that would be the fever), lyricism and star-crossed love.
Hear, hear.
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