I loved this film, it was beautiful, sweet and innocent at the same time
I've just gotten round to watching this film for the first time and I have to say that it was one of the most beautiful period films I've ever seen- make that, of any films I've ever seen. I practically broke into tears at times, especially during the last 40 minutes or so in the film when Keats gets sick. The acting, costumes, scenes- everything was like divine and exceptionally well made. Normally, I'm not one for English accents but Ben Whishaw's accent just made me melt right to my core, especially his letter voiceovers.
The only problem I had with this film was- and I do realise that the real-life Fanny and Keats' engagement lasted 3 years til his death- that while they obviously couldn't fit every detail of those 3 years into a 2 hour film, however, I felt that this film could have done with a bit more Fanny/Keats scenes, just those two characters. For example, in the beginning, we are introduced to the flirty and fashionable Fanny and Keats who is more brooding and aloof, then it's pretty much cut to the whole thing where Keats' brother Tom who died and that's when they start to bond. For me, I think there should have been more scenes with the 2 characters where we see that Keats is understandably taken-aback and interested by Fanny's character which he did in real life.
I don't know, I just think it could have done with 2 (give or take) more scenes of just Fanny and Keats, but nevertheless, it does not diminish my high regard for this film. I felt the same way when the 2005 remake of Pride + Prejudice came out- but with repeated viewings, I found that I didn't think much on the matter and just kicked back and enjoyed watching it, so maybe the same thing will happen with this film.
I really enjoyed this film on the whole, it's such a fresh film after all the Hollywood crap on the notions of romance and love. And handwritten love-letters!!! That's the highlight of this film- the love letters.