Similiar movies?

I've watched the movie yesterday and I must say it impressed me. Effect is even stronger the day after, when various scenes from the movie and thoughts come to my mind. Can anyone suggest any similiar (or just good), well known (easy to find in rental), asiatic movies?


I'm not sure exactly what you're looking for. If you mean similar arthouse-type films check out the films of Zhang Yimou and Wong Kar-wei. Actually this film reminded me of the film "The Lover" (1992).
If you mean political/spy or similar theme, I can't think of other asian films like this but other foreign (European) films like "Black Book" and "Female Agents".


Another chinese film similar to some extent is Ye Lou's "Purple Butterfly".
That or the already mentioned film directed by Paul Verhoeven: "Black Book".



I found brokeback mountain to be similar. Spoiler alert: but the end with Mr. Yee alone clearly in pain, sitting on the bed his mistress once used reminded me very much so of the brokeback mountain closet scene. But its to be expected, its the same director after-all. For a broader comparison, the last emperor is also similar IMO, in look and feel.
