Seriously confusing about locations
The film is very good, but it seriously leaves you in the hay about where the first half takes place. At the outset there's a title card "Shanghai 1942 - site of the Chinese collaborative government" and we soon realize that Yee is working with the Japanese. But most of the first half is set somewhere in southern China - Canton, is it? We are told nothing precise about where, only from time to time in the talk of the ladies it's obliquely hinted that this is not Shanghai at all, because they speak of Shanghai as a place far off and at one point there's this dialogue line "Mrs Mai knows a good restaurant in Kowloon" implying that Kowloon (part of Hong Kong) is not far away. On the other hand,. the theatre troupe leader says we have *had to leave* Hong Kong.
Now, I realized while watching that most of the early part was actually set 'before* 1942 (though that should have been made clear). But how long before? When she meets her contact man again in Shnghai, it's made obvious that some years have passed, three or four years. But that brings us back before the outbreak of WW2, back to around 1938 and then, for that reason too, the opening part couldn't be Hong Kong, because Kong was not invaded by the Japanese until December 1941, before then it was British of course (and you don't see anyone English in the entire film). Canton, on the other hand, was occupied by the Japanese already before 1939, so perhaps that's the location. But Ang Lee really should have made this a bit clearer.
"Gentlemen, duelling is forbidden, by the order of Cardinal Richelieu"
"Richelieu's men are notorious for their complete lack of taste."