The song she sings

Like Mr. Yee, I was totally moved by that heartbreaking song Wei Tang sings to him at that Japanese place.

After searching it turns out it's an old Chinese song called "A Singing Girl at the Edge of the World" or "Songstress at the Edge of the World".

But I can't seem to find it anywhere. I doesn't look like it's on the soundtrack.

Could someone point me in the right direction? I'm looking for similar style traditional Chinese music and don't really know where to start.



the song is called 'Tian Ya Ge Nv'

its a very popular song from 1930s. This is the original verson from Zhou Xuan. She was a top movie star during that time.


Thanks so much! I love that voice.

I was reading about Zhou Xuan. Such a tragic ending to her life. I'm off to get her best of album.


Sorry to bug you again, would you or anyone else know of a modern Chinese singer that sings these type of songs?


Try Teresa Teng.


Could you repost the link? It isn't working.

If we don't believe in freedom of expression for people we despise, we don't believe in it at all


Here is a modern version of has a different, happier feel compared with the version sung by Tang Wei in Lust Caution.


OP it's not on the soundtrack. I was disappointed to find out it wasn't. Don't get me wrong the soundtrack's great, expecially, if like me, you love the song that recurs throughout the film, it's "Wong Chia Chi's Theme" on the soundtrack. (there's different versions as well like "Falling Rain" and "Remember Everything" has the notes).

If we don't believe in freedom of expression for people we despise, we don't believe in it at all
