Question about the ending (spoiler alert)
Why didn't the group of the girl's friends kill Yee inside or outside the jewelry store at the end of the movie? Yee was in the store, without any bodyguards, and her friends were both in the store and staked out outside the store -- yet Yee just runs freely outside the store into his car without any shots fired at him. I realize it was a busy street so maybe not so easy to pick him off, but they would have had to shoot at him that way anyway regardless of whether he was running or not. In fact, why did'nt her friends stay inside the store on the first floor where they could easily shoot him, even if he's trying to run by? I guess my next question is where were all her friends after their plot failed and the girl runs outside? They are nowhere to be seen. The only thing I can think of is that the Japanese & Chinese traitors were watching everything the entire time and took all of her friends out before Yee even started his run, that is why there isn't any attempt on his life when he runs and why the girl can't find any of her friends when she exists the store. Anybody have any insight on this? If my theory isn't right, then how are my questions answered??