Which DVD?

I'm curious about getting one of the DVD's. I'm doing a project on controversal books and short stories and want to see the film first before reading the short story. I was just wonder which version of the film is considered better? (And not just like, based on the sex scenes.)
Personally I'd consider the R-rated version, because it seems less graphic...but I am worried that they might cut out other non-sexual scenes or something?

Psylocke Fan 4EVA


Hopefully this doesn't come too late for your project...

Have you tried DVD Beaver (http://www.dvdbeaver.com)? He specializes in comparing different aspects of DVD releases pretty much world-wide. (I have no tie to the site; I just visit it a lot.)

But this is one movie that I would strongly suggest watching the NC-17 version, because the sex scenes (their actions / emotions during them) are extremely important to the story. It's also *not* porn: you're watching people acting at having sex, with limited amounts of nudity, played up by camera angles and edits - not actually having sex.

And it's definitely not titillating.
