MovieChat Forums > Se, jie (2007) Discussion > What was the whole matter with the 'pill...

What was the whole matter with the 'pill'?

Or was it even a pill? What did the resistant leader give the girl
for starting her job? The little brown thingy that she was holding at the end
in the taxi as the crowd was stopped from passing the street?


Cyanide -- a fast-acting poison


to do what with?


If she got caught, she could kill herself before any secrets could be tortured out of her. All the spies got them.


You should too. You never know ..



I did wonder why she didn't actually take it though. She had plenty of time sitting in the bicycle cab at the road block.

Perhaps she thought he would save her just as she essentially saved him.


She was definitely considering it, and then there were flashbacks of her friends. I thought that she wanted to see them again and die together.


But how could she do that? I mean, she already murdered her friends just by revealing her identity and now she wants to face them too? It's her fault they're all dying in the first place.


She was probably somewhat expecting him to save her.


Even if she was, she essentially murdered her comrades. Granted the higher-up's were just using her at that point, but is that a good enough reason to expose the rest of them?
