Some questions...

Was Joshua making the noises from upstairs to drive his mother mad?

Did he realy kill the dog?

Did the mother suffer from post-natal depression with Joshua (or even Lily)?

"The great circle of life has begun, but, you see, not all of us arrive together at the end."



I'm not sure how much help I'll be but here's what I think:

Was Joshua making the noises from upstairs to drive his mother mad?

I don't think so, though it did cross my mind. When she went up there it really appeared that there was construction in progress. I think the noises were just another factor that eventually pushed her over the edge.

Did he really kill the dog?

I assumed so. He had become pretty obsessed with death and the rituals of the Egyptians and was experimenting along those lines. I was under the impression that he was slipping something to Lily that made her feel bad and cry. The dad becomes suspicious of the formula, which supported that theory. It crossed my mind that he may have tried it out on the dog and ended up killing him, and may have done the same with the classroom animals, too.

Did the mother suffer from post-natal depression with Joshua (or even Lily)?

Yes, I believe so. Her brother asks her how she is doing, and it is fairly clear by her answer that she is saying she is fine after having Lily not like after Joshua. Plus, she seems to be suffering from depression in the video of Joshua as a baby. She does not seem to be depressed with Lily until the crying begins. Sleep deprivation can do that to a person. I think she was prone to mental instability anyhow, though.

I hope that helps!

We may not enjoy living together, but dying together isn't going to solve anything.


Wouldn't the doctor have realized if he was slipping her something? I thought she checked Lily and said that nothing was wrong with her physically.


and why did tear that bear up?
Was Joshua being abused?

talk to you,
