Has everyone misunderstood this film/ ending?
I saw this for the first time on Film4 UK last night and don't believe that everyone seems to have missed the reasons for Joshua's behaviour throughout the film which is made explicit in the ending.
It is obvious that the uncle has been abusing Joshua:
* Throughout there are hints at his own mental instability - he tells Joshua's father that mental illness runs in the family.
* Mentions his own reliance on shrinks
* He is the only one J's father confides in, rejects his theories on his son and then shares a private little whispering conference with the child.
* The child psychologist claims that J's art reveals that he's being abused, he is utterly manipulative of course but it is perfectly possible that the art, most of which is hidden from those around him (some is discovered by the removal man at the end) is a real representation of his mental state.
He's a creepy, screwed up, evil kid that's for sure but my theory is that he and the uncle are in it together in a way, they're in some kind of bizarre relationship.....so for the love of God someone save Lily!
Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail-R.W Emerson