How come?

Why did Lily stop crying almost immediately after her dad held her for a little bit? It was almost like he had the magic touch or something.

I love Sam Rockwell, he's such a fantastic actor and he was so cute with the baby! I wonder if he has one himself.


Whether he has one or not is irrelevant. He used to be one, and a good actor draws on his own experience. He knew what the baby needed, and what the audience deserved.

"When you throw dirt, you lose ground" --old proverb


Seriously? He used to be one? That's your logic. I was asking a serious question. If you don't have the answer then please, just don't bother responding. But making trite and idiotic comments like the one above are just unnecessary.


I was a baby once too, but I don't remember much about it (Then again, I'm not an "actor")


hahahahahahahaha......... idiot

re: OP, i was really blown away by how great Sam was with the baby! he doesn't have any of his own, but it looks like he'd be a great dad, doesn't it? my favourite bit was when he was stroking lily's head when he was holding her in the armchair and telling joshua he was "onto him".


I also thought he was adorable with the baby. He acted so naturally. He isn't married and doesn't have any kids. I've even seen a couple of interviews where he says pretty unequivocally that he does /not/ want to have any kids. He's just a great actor I guess.


I really think the baby sensed the mothers very turbulent vibe. Did you notice she also stopped crying for the grandmother? Maybe if the mother would stop crying the baby would too. I really think that being a mommy just wasn't her thing. Colicky babies are to be expected, but she was prone to severe postpartum depression (which is something that should never be ignored!). In reality, her doctor would have seen to that immediately. See at first it was the baby's problem, but it soon became the mothers problem when she lost it for the second time. Hormones can really do a number on post-pregnant moms. And because of her irrational mental state, the father was the only one baby could rely on once the her natural discomfort subsided.

BTW, I really dig Sam's work as Dad in this. He fought tooth and nail for that baby in the end, and really put up with more than I could stand. Even though I thought it was a little shady that he was staying late at work, trying to impress other women while his wife suffered at the hand of that little monster son of theirs, I still kinda forgave him in the end.


Calljen, that was my thought, too. The mother was getting so worked up that she was getting tense and the baby was picking up on that which in turn made the baby upset. Since the father wasn't as stressed or upset, it was easier for him to calm the baby down.


The doctor was pretty unbelievable, when the mom comes in there, with a history of post-partum depression and a baby who has begun screaming and won't stop: 'Some babies just like to scream.' Gee, Einstein, thanks! And then when the mom says 'Would you take her?' and just stands there looking exhausted. Any doctor in real life would at that point ask how the mom was and recommend some help, whether therapy, medication, or just a babysitter.


That doctor seemed pretty disconnected to me too. Like you say, she casually tells Abby, some babies just cry a lot, with this big grin on her face. She then holds the baby out to Abby almost as if forcing her to hold her, when Abby is clearly falling apart and can't even touch the baby. You see she takes her but then immediately puts her down and paces away from her. And she makes no mention of anything possibly wrong with Lily. The way I understand it, colic is this actual medical condition but it doesn't even occur to this doctor that Lily may have this. She just "likes to cry a lot."
