MovieChat Forums > Joshua (2007) Discussion > Okay film but the ending kind of sucked

Okay film but the ending kind of sucked

I thought it was quite a good film and everything but the title pretty much explains my feelings towards this movie. I guess I hate films that leave the plot unfinished and just end the movie. They should have included whether or not the dad got sent down, whether the mother made it out of the institute or where ever she was. I wouldn't call this a thriller film though, but more of an intense drama really.


I just hated to see the kid get away with it all, I was really disappointed when it just ended. Could have been a great film but instead it was only good.


I'm thinking from the reaction of the movers and the Uncle that Joshua didn't get away with anything!


Then you'd have the same ending as 'The Bad Seed' and 'The Good Son'.
Sometimes you need a movie where there isn't nice little wrap up and the bad person gets what's coming to them.

I rather liked it. I've been reading the threads and I see the lines divided by people who sees it one of two ways. Joshua was an evil sociopath who manipulated things to get what he wanted. Or a poor child suffering from neglect who used his genius to get a better life for his sister and himself. He seemed content there at the end but there's still no telling what could happen in the future.

That's the genius of this movie in a way. Some people just associate bad deeds as an act of pure evil, they try to find the reasons for the actions and when they can't or can't find the logic to it it's something only someone who is evil would do. On the other hand you have the other group who can not believe that a child would do that, children=innocence so any bad behavior especially from a child like Joshua (who actually has the mindset of an adult) must have some sort of reason behind it relating to bad parents. They want to blame the parents and say that it was them who made him so distant as they might have only wanted a good trophy son, good to show off their happy life but not much else.

To me it's a mix of both. He wasn't happy with his parents (perhaps they needed some help as his song said) so with his sociopolitical genius he devised a plan for his happiness, his parents sure wasn't the greatest his mother was a nervous breakdown waiting to happen his father was failing at his job I believe, in a way he did a favor to his sister getting her out of there.

Anyhow I still enjoyed an ending like that. No predictable and expect twist just a child prodigy with plan and watching him pull it off.
I'd kill to see a Oz related thread where no one suggest I see Wicked.


Wasn't the guinea pig sown up along the bottom? Which would mean he most likely was "embalming" it.


Yes. BTW I disagree with the premise of this thread as I actually liked the ending.


Completly agree the film was ok wasnt great. I think the reason i didnt think it was that good simpley was cause of the ending just awfull and pointless.




I'm glad that it ended the way it did and I think that's exactly how it should have ended. Everything was in it's right place and I think it was a happy ending. Joshua finally felt like he was truly where he belonged and for the first time since his sister was born, felt completely happy. He wanted to be with his uncle because he felt that he was the only one who loved him and when he finally got that chance, everything instantly became better for him which brought a tear of joy to my eye. I really loved the ending.

Come, fly the teeth of the wind. Share my wings.



The ending was bloody brilliant, sir. Sent shivers down my spine.
I don't mean to impose, but I am the Ocean.
