MovieChat Forums > Joshua (2007) Discussion > I can't believe how bad this movie is.

I can't believe how bad this movie is.

I read the IMDB notes and it seemed that people liked this so we watched it and were bored out of our minds!

After the 6th or 7th slow, terrorized walk down a dark hallway where nothing happens we started fast forwarding through the rest of it. And what is it with all those shots of one of the parents closing a closet or appliance door just to jump in fright when the kid is found standing right next to them? Not one character was interesting and the story is completely implausible. It feels like it was written in one afternoon by a film student that was late in turning in their script assignment. How do films like this get funded?

Is this how low the standard of a good film thriller has fallen? Or is it perhaps that all these people saying how creepy it was have never seen a scary movie before?


I agree. I watched it last night and am still waiting for something to happen. A movie may be deep and brilliant but is still has to entertain.


I was very entertained by it. Perhaps you expected it to be your typical scary killer kid horror movie rather than a psychological, character based drama. All of the characters were interesting (not all of them were likable, but they were at least interesting) especially Joshua and I feel they were very well written. I expect the film may not have been what you thought it would be and that's why you didn't like it. Perhaps you should watch it again knowing exactly what it is like and you might like it.

I've been waiting for you, Ben.


I don't know if either person with negative opinions above have small children in their lives but having one now it was one of the scariest movies I've ever seen. You can fight dracula with a cross or a werewolf with a silver bullet, but what if it was your own child?

Of course another movie I found terrifying was The Last Winter. Another movie usually hated by many for nothing happening on screen.

One criticism however is I do believe a different actor would have done more with the dad role. Thomas Jane?
