I agree with you. My son was a sweet, big happy baby, and I thought "How easy is motherhood??" He never cried, he played happily with his toys and met all his milestones ahead of time. Just a wonderful baby boy. Then--I had my daughter.
We waited several years to make sure we were financially ready, and I wanted another baby so very much. She was so beautiful I thought I'd lose my mind over her! After about 2 weeks, she developed colic. And, she kept it for nearly a year. She also had a problem with her middle ears, so she always had vertigo or earaches. She cried non-stop for the first 2 months of the colic, and couldn't ride in the car without severe stress. She couldn't be rocked because of her ears. Her only relief was walking her, on my shoulder, for hours until she fell asleep.
Her daddy was out of town 1-2 weeks at a time for business, and I had no help with her. It was the most stressful time in our little family--making time for my son, trying to get rest between the marathon crying sessions, and maintaining our house while feeling like a zombie--I nearly lost my mind. We worked out a system that wasn't the best parenting plan ever, like allowing the baby to fall asleep and lie with me propped up in the bed. Slowly it became manageable, and she became old enough for some medication to ease her gastric distress. We managed, but it gave me a whole lot of insight into post-partum depression and the mothers who are very young who might not have the emotional maturity to handle babies with difficult infancies.
"Let's eat Granny!! Let's eat, Granny!!"
Punctuation matters.