Oh, for pete's sake, your interpretation is ridiculous. There is exactly zero evidence or clues that the uncle is doing anything at all. Clearly, Joshua is a fledgling sociopath whose true nature is coming out with the opportunity given him, that of the birth of his younger sister, who poses a threat to the attention he's been getting. He shows textbook symptoms of sociopathy...manipulative, conning...lack of remorse or empathy...pathological lying...shallow emotions. All of these traits are emerging in Joshua. He clearly has no emotional connection to his parents, as evidenced by his telling his father he doesn't have to love him.
This is a very disturbed child...not abused, as there are exactly zero signs of that aside from the drawing. And let me just say, no psychologist or doctor would ever diagnose child abuse based upon a drawing a child makes. That is nearly ZERO to go on in investigation such an allegation. The part of the film where the psychologist becomes assertive to the father over this is pure hogwash.
The mother was clearly suffering some kind of postpartum pathology, likely depression, that has been severely exacerbated by Joshua's provoking the baby to cry, as evidenced by the video he filmed himself. This was clearly his way of getting her out of the way...for what reason, nobody can say. Sociopaths often have no rhyme or reason...they just want the power to manipulate their environment.
I have no idea what the connection is with the uncle, but it seems clear to me, from my knowledge of sociopaths, that there likely is no emotional connection at all, just an opportunistic one...and the uncle will eventually catch on and will become Joshua's next victim. Joshua will move from adult to adult until one day somebody will intervene and he will be placed in a psychiatric hospital or he will be killed.