I loved the Camerlengo.

Perhaps it was the way Obi-Wan lol played him but I loved his point of view. About the church being more open and such, and I'm an atheist.

Don't like what I'm saying? Then call 1800-Ima-CryBaby


He would have been a kickass pope.

Pity about the spin told to the public about his death, though. Why tell the truth when the people think he's a hero?


I love Ewan McGreggor as anything. He could read the phone book and I'd find it entertaining. He's just adorable, and I love his character in this, from start to finish. The first time I saw this, at the end what he does you-know-what, I was yelling "No! Don't do that!" at the TV while my husband laughed at me.


Then an agnostic had to eff it up.


After seeing Ewan McGregor in this film, I had the sudden urge to re-watch The Thorn Birds.

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Did I miss something? I though the carmelengo's entire goal was to "hide" science and have the church suppress it?

He was pissed off about the "antimatter" or "God" particle or whatever its called.


You're right. He didn't believe his whole awesome speech about science and religion being compatible. I knew the ending and was watching it with my sister. She kept saying "he's so awesome" while I just laughed to myself cause I knew he was actually the bad guy.


Along with Langdon, the best character in the movie! (in my opinion!)

Prostitute: What the *beep* are you doing?
Johnny: I'm gonna kill a bunch of people.
